Another Canon camera shows up for certification

I think he was sarcastic but also realist about the fact that a lot of people on the social medias, are very agressive against all SONY competitors.
Social medias are SONY's private garden
OK, but who cares what people on social media say, or whether social media are Sony’s garden (which I doubt).

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. —Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement address, June, 2005
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I'm eager to get mitts on an R5, and I hope Canon is able to get those out the door reasonably quickly, but Canon should be most worried about the R5 successor.

Canon has a habit of dropping the mic with occasional releases (5d2, 6d1, 1dx, 7d2) and then not paying any attention to the line for 4 years or so. And then, not letting that new version live up to the quite same notoriety as the original. A thing happens. People assume - wrongly - that because the 6d came out with better low light focusing than the 5d3, that this is part of the intent of the 6d line. Then, when the 6d2 comes out, people complain because it's not better than the 5d4. I hope this doesn't happen with the new R5 line.

Sony will probably have an answer to the R5. We should all hope that it does, and that it's fantastic. Sony will also probably come out with a successor to that new camera in only 2 years. Hopefully, this completely expected market condition will push Canon to target an update in a similar timeframe. One could argue that the R5 spec list looks like it might keep a performance lead for longer than 2 years without refresh, but I'm quite sure that's not the case - and that the fact that it's not the case is a good thing for all of us.

It's a good time to be a photographer.*

*So long as you're not concerned about being paid for it.
Oh no, I hope not, otherwise I have to live in a perpetual state of GAS. What a life!;)

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I think he was sarcastic but also realist about the fact that a lot of people on the social medias, are very agressive against all SONY competitors.
Social medias are SONY's private garden
OK, but who cares what people on social media say, or whether social media are Sony’s garden (which I doubt)?

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. —Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement address, June, 2005
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I think R6 will have the same sensor as 1Dx Mark III. Why to make a new sensor when they have a brand new from the flagship already. So I hope that we will see similar video specs on R6. Propably they will drop 5.5k raw to make a difference in a much cheaper body. But I don't think they will drop raw neither on R5 or R6 (4k raw propably). I feel that Canon will implement raw recording from now on on ff bodies. And if you add that R5 and R6 will have 12/20 fps then that will make them phenomenal cameras! The only advantage R6 may have over R5 will be iSO performance. I hope R6 will come with dual card slots. Canon is very near to success and amaze all over the world if the cripple hammer won't show up once again!
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OK, but who cares what people on social media say, or whether social media are Sony’s garden (which I doubt).

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. —Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement address, June, 2005

As someone who has followed various forums and the internet reviews since I bought a Sony A7 II six years ago (if I remember correctly), it is fairly obvious that Sony has a very well organized internet and reviewer community. Whether Sony itself is involved in the organization or it is purely fan driven I do not know, but I would argue that the popularity of the Sony A7 cameras is due mainly to this organized propaganda campaign. They have completely dominated the social media environment and it has paid off.

I, personally, have no stake in Canon or any other camera brand - and I do not root for companies as if they were sports teams, but I do appreciate honesty and integrity - two things that are totally abused by this Sony propaganda network. Anyone who has followed this forum for even a few months will notice the large number of Sony trolls. They are on every forum I visit. Immediately downgrading any Canon product. Arguing with any positive Canon comments and then accusing anyone who does appreciate Canon products as being a naïve fanboy. As soon as any Canon (and Nikon, too) camera comes onto the market, there are a dozen or more YouTube reviewers who put the camera down (in comparison with Sony, of course). Many of these reviewers repeat the same lines over and over. The quick release of these reviews clearly demonstrates that the reviewer did not have sufficient time to actually learn how to use the camera. Thus, combined with the Sony trolls that are in all forums, I consider this effort to be both organized and consider it propaganda. Because the reviews are not honest and the trolls are not honest either, I find that I do care - and that I try to call them out whenever possible.

Why, because dishonesty and a lack of any integrity shouldn't be rewarded - and it clearly is. I have read comments from new camera buyers that basically say, "I didn't know much about cameras, but based on the reviews on the internet, it was clear that Sony makes the best cameras." It was based on forum comments 6 years ago that I almost sold my Canon 6D and switched to Sony. At that time I was new to internet forums and it did not occur to me the amount of total dishonesty and the number of trolls that existed on them. All I read over and over was how Sony was so far ahead. I'm sure there are many other folks in the same situation today. Luckily for me, I didn't sell my 6D and was able to return the Sony (it couldn't even replace my Olympus E-M1 in terms of quality.)

There are, of course, some honest reviewers - usually established photographers that have both integrity and experience. And some of them do praise Sony, of course. Since most cameras today produce relatively similar results, this is no surprise. But, as I've mentioned in other posts, having more specs does not make a camera better than another - especially if those specs are half-baked and don't work well. (That is my experience with Sony - impressive spec list and poor implementation of almost all of those specs. Of course, that is how they can keep the price down.)
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As someone who has followed various forums and the internet reviews since I bought a Sony A7 II six years ago (if I remember correctly), it is fairly obvious that Sony has a very well organized internet and reviewer community. Whether Sony itself is involved in the organization or it is purely fan driven I do not know, but I would argue that the popularity of the Sony A7 cameras is due mainly to this organized propaganda campaign. They have completely dominated the social media environment and it has paid off.

I, personally, have no stake in Canon or any other camera brand - and I do not root for companies as if they were sports teams, but I do appreciate honesty and integrity - two things that are totally abused by this Sony propaganda network. Anyone who has followed this forum for even a few months will notice the large number of Sony trolls. They are on every forum I visit. Immediately downgrading any Canon product. Arguing with any positive Canon comments and then accusing anyone who does appreciate Canon products as being a naïve fanboy. As soon as any Canon (and Nikon, too) camera comes onto the market, there are a dozen or more YouTube reviewers who put the camera down (in comparison with Sony, of course). Many of these reviewers repeat the same lines over and over. The quick release of these reviews clearly demonstrates that the reviewer did not have sufficient time to actually learn how to use the camera. Thus, combined with the Sony trolls that are in all forums, I consider this effort to be both organized and consider it propaganda. Because the reviews are not honest and the trolls are not honest either, I find that I do care - and that I try to call them out whenever possible.

Why, because dishonesty and a lack of any integrity shouldn't be rewarded - and it clearly is. I have read comments from new camera buyers that basically say, "I didn't know much about cameras, but based on the reviews on the internet, it was clear that Sony makes the best cameras." It was based on forum comments 6 years ago that I almost sold my Canon 6D and switched to Sony. At that time I was new to internet forums and it did not occur to me the amount of total dishonesty and the number of trolls that existed on them. All I read over and over was how Sony was so far ahead. I'm sure there are many other folks in the same situation today. Luckily for me, I didn't sell my 6D and was able to return the Sony (it couldn't even replace my Olympus E-M1 in terms of quality.)

There are, of course, some honest reviewers - usually established photographers that have both integrity and experience. And some of them do praise Sony, of course. Since most cameras today produce relatively similar results, this is no surprise. But, as I've mentioned in other posts, having more specs does not make a camera better than another - especially if those specs are half-baked and don't work well. (That is my experience with Sony - impressive spec list and poor implementation of almost all of those specs. Of course, that is how they can keep the price down.)
I personally hate the term troll and point blank refuse to use it as it’s like a door slam to the face and breaks down all meaningful conversion. It’s also a term well overused in forums as a put down.

Many people just listen to the masses, other are so set in their ways and hate change. Cameras are a means to an end and that end is making pictures.

People buy Sony’s for the sensor and have to live with the camera like myself. It does many things very well and others not so great but so do Canon cameras. No camera is perfect. If Canon had built a camera with a Sony sensor I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Hopefully times are a changing and the R5 signals a change in Canon.

Who care what YouTubers say as long as we are happy with our own choices and brands we choose to spend our money on. Everyones opinion is valid and personal to their experiences regardless of the brand they use.

This forum is a little sensitive to ‘off branders’ and I’m not sure why by it looks like Canon will soon be top dog again and things might change because of it. I very much doubt most people join forums just to mix things up and just want to contribute.
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Why are people here so concerned with catching up to or beating Sony? As long as Canon produce some fine cameras and give people a reason to upgrade, I don’t get the Sony obsession. Out in the real world, specs aren’t the be all and end all. It all comes down to what you intend to photograph (or video) and the camera that gets the job done for you. I’ve seen plenty of great shots taken with the Ricoh GR III that have been displayed in galleries, for example.
Because revenge is sweet :D
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As someone who has followed various forums and the internet reviews since I bought a Sony A7 II six years ago (if I remember correctly), it is fairly obvious that Sony has a very well organized internet and reviewer community. Whether Sony itself is involved in the organization or it is purely fan driven I do not know, but I would argue that the popularity of the Sony A7 cameras is due mainly to this organized propaganda campaign. They have completely dominated the social media environment and it has paid off.

I, personally, have no stake in Canon or any other camera brand - and I do not root for companies as if they were sports teams, but I do appreciate honesty and integrity - two things that are totally abused by this Sony propaganda network. Anyone who has followed this forum for even a few months will notice the large number of Sony trolls. They are on every forum I visit. Immediately downgrading any Canon product. Arguing with any positive Canon comments and then accusing anyone who does appreciate Canon products as being a naïve fanboy. As soon as any Canon (and Nikon, too) camera comes onto the market, there are a dozen or more YouTube reviewers who put the camera down (in comparison with Sony, of course). Many of these reviewers repeat the same lines over and over. The quick release of these reviews clearly demonstrates that the reviewer did not have sufficient time to actually learn how to use the camera. Thus, combined with the Sony trolls that are in all forums, I consider this effort to be both organized and consider it propaganda. Because the reviews are not honest and the trolls are not honest either, I find that I do care - and that I try to call them out whenever possible.

Why, because dishonesty and a lack of any integrity shouldn't be rewarded - and it clearly is. I have read comments from new camera buyers that basically say, "I didn't know much about cameras, but based on the reviews on the internet, it was clear that Sony makes the best cameras." It was based on forum comments 6 years ago that I almost sold my Canon 6D and switched to Sony. At that time I was new to internet forums and it did not occur to me the amount of total dishonesty and the number of trolls that existed on them. All I read over and over was how Sony was so far ahead. I'm sure there are many other folks in the same situation today. Luckily for me, I didn't sell my 6D and was able to return the Sony (it couldn't even replace my Olympus E-M1 in terms of quality.)

There are, of course, some honest reviewers - usually established photographers that have both integrity and experience. And some of them do praise Sony, of course. Since most cameras today produce relatively similar results, this is no surprise. But, as I've mentioned in other posts, having more specs does not make a camera better than another - especially if those specs are half-baked and don't work well. (That is my experience with Sony - impressive spec list and poor implementation of almost all of those specs. Of course, that is how they can keep the price down.)

I've had health issues to deal with recently, which has meant less camera and more CR (I'm addicted to CR). This post resonates with me and more so right now as I revisit my 2013 files when I first had the 6D. Fortunately for me, it was a good guy at a camera shop who helped me get started with good gear from Canon. I was moving from a Nikon D5100, and had read very little but knew from a friend that Canon was a good choice (I owned an old F1 and didn't need much persuading).

Then, after my purchase, I started reading, and joined CR, and I couldn't believe the bad-mouthing of the 6D from various sources. I've said this before, but it got cursed for having WiFi - imagine. It didn't take me long to figure out that I was getting superb performance from the 6D and now my revisit to my 2013 folders is almost shocking me. The 6D with 300 2.8 II X2 mounted, yielded thousands of excellent photos and I'm convinced that back in the day there was very little that would have done any better, other than FPS. I'll gladly be called a Canon fanman!

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I think R6 will have the same sensor as 1Dx Mark III. Why to make a new sensor when they have a brand new from the flagship already. So I hope that we will see similar video specs on R6. Propably they will drop 5.5k raw to make a difference in a much cheaper body. But I don't think they will drop raw neither on R5 or R6 (4k raw propably). I feel that Canon will implement raw recording from now on on ff bodies. And if you add that R5 and R6 will have 12/20 fps then that will make them phenomenal cameras! The only advantage R6 may have over R5 will be iSO performance. I hope R6 will come with dual card slots. Canon is very near to success and amaze all over the world if the cripple hammer won't show up once again!

I'm betting the R6 is either going to have dual SD slots or one CFExpress slot. They have to differentiate it from the R5 beyond just changing the sensor.
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I'm betting the R6 is either going to have dual SD slots or one CFExpress slot. They have to differentiate it from the R5 beyond just changing the sensor.
My guess is Cfexpress to be able to catch these speeds (12/20). Canon has to implement dual card slots or else they will kill sales of R6. If everything goes well I think that R6 will sell more this time than R5... especially if its sub 1000$ from R5.
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