G1X Mark 2 Review @ Dpreview.com

Sadly, they'd have to pay me to take one of these things.

It's Frankenstein ugly. It's too big for a small carry-along camera. It's way too expensive for what it delivers. And I don't see the IQ being what it should for the large sensor size. The whole thing seems pointless to me.

I can buy much better photographic capability with $800+.
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I have the G1X original, and, after reading the review, I stopped by our local camera store today and tried one on display.

I do not buy cameras as a fashion statement, but to use taking photos, so I was interested in the functionality. Generally, every part of it seemed to be a noticeable upgrade from the original. The lens now has a built-in lens cover, it has Wi-Fi, and a biggie for me is the touch screen, since my large fingers really struggle with tiny buttons on the small cameras. The fold out screen is a improvement as well, since you do not have to fool with swinging it out and rotating it, and it is larger. I had to walk around the camera section twice looking at all the models, it looks much better and smaller than the original, and did not look any larger than the other P&S cameras around it. I had been expecting another Fat Albert.

I have a old 40D that I tether for product photos, and am wondering if this would replace it. The original G1 could not be tethered. I have my 40D, a 20D, and my Nikon D300S up for sale now, so I might buy one and sell the old G1X after that.
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