
Canon Rumors Premium
Feb 5, 2014
Excellent suggestions above, it has been many years since my wife and I went to Tanzania and Rwanda, before I started using dSLRs. Like your planned trip, our time on safari was in a private Land Rover, just my wife and I and our driver (the safari portion of our trip was about a week, we also spent a week on Zanzibar for diving and a week in Rwanda as well, with a wonderful trip to see mountain gorillas). I brought a 4 MP superzoom P&S, FF equivalent of 38-380mm.

I won't recapitulate the excellent advice above, but in the large NPs mentioned by Grant I found the longer end of the focal range to be important for most of the wildlife in the larger parks like Serengeti.

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However, if you venture into the Ngorongoro Crater you may find that the animals are quite comfortable around tourists and approach very closely.

View attachment 197534

Enjoy your trip!
Were those taken with the superzoom P/S neuro ?
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