How many lenses could you mount on a 5DMkIII?

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downtime said:
I'm a bit picky when it comes to pixel density. Especially when buying point and shoots. But from the impressive quality I've seen from the 7D I'm optimistic that we could see a fantastic image from a 48 MP sensor in a 36 x 24 mm format.

That's assuming the full frame lens performs as well as the APS-C lens at the corners, which would mean a lot more $s.

Canon's new EF lenses are so expensive, I'm already considering either a downgrade to the 7D or a switch to the Nikon D700. I'll wait until the end of Canon's lenses year (I expect nothing special, but I need time to save some cash anyway) and decide.
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downtime said:
Yes, it would be 46.8 is correct at the same pixel density as the 7D (5.4mp/cm2)
But if you use the same pixel density as the 5D MKII which is 2.4mp/cm2 then it would be a 21 megapixel sensor.
I think my math is right. Maybe the mathmagicians can check that. :)
I'm a bit picky when it comes to pixel density. Especially when buying point and shoots. But from the impressive quality I've seen from the 7D I'm optimistic that we could see a fantastic image from a 48 MP sensor in a 36 x 24 mm format.
Though I think it might need a quad core DiGIC 6 processor haha!

Your math is right, but I don't understand the calculation. Obviously, using the same pixel density as the mark ii will yield 21MP, because the mark iii will almost certainly have the same size sensor. The mark ii is 21 MP now, so no surprise there. I doubt the mark iii will have the same number of pixels.
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