Street Shooting People Edition!

Semi unrelated, I went to a small venue in Sheffield in the mid 90's to see a band called Monaco who had Peter Hook as it's guitarist, after a fantastic session in which Peter Hook jumped off the stage and whacked a guy for using a red laser on him, the gig ended, Hooky walked to the back of the venue, stood next to me, had a pint with me, chatted for a few minutes, then he went off on his way... As a big time New Order fan, too young to have seen Joy Division live (one of my few regrets), but meeting Hooky, kinda made up for it.... Even if it was about 15 yrs after Ian Curtis died. The noise frequency track on the guys tee shirt was first used on the cover of an album by Warsaw, the earlier name for Joy Division.
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I saw Peter Hook perform in Toronto once with the short lived Monaco. Outside of Canada the Jeff Martin reference may be lost on most people. He was the frontman for a band called The Tea Party; think of Led Zeppelin covering Doors tunes and you more or less have the idea. Anyway, he cited Joy Division has his major influence. Occasionally that influence could be heard but it was never as loud as the Zeppelin Doors thing they had going. Bob Rock came along and ruined the good thing they had going. He does that.
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