Swimwear Shoot with EOS60D and new diffuser



I tried out a new flash diffuser and made the photos a little bit warmer on this shoot. Notice no hotspot on the head and I did use a flash.

Here is what I used...

Nescafe Taster's Choice container with label removed. Here is what it looked like:


This diffuser is only so good though and doesnt work in all environments. This seemed to work well enough in a hotel room, but didnt work so well outside. I've got a new diffuser that I am going to try out tonight at a swimwear event which consists of the Stofen and the GotLux bouncecard. I also have a huge Alzo digital softbox that I will try out.

The thing that impresses me about the Tasters Choice container is that I experienced no bright spot on the forehead like I did with the usual Stofen/bounce off the ceiling bit. I know the photos are a little warm and the white balance off, but they seem to look better to me with that more tanned look. I have some photos where the white balance is correct and you can see a more pale appearance, but I thought the more tanned appearance was flattering then the true skin pale look.
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What probably really helped was the confined areas it looked like you were shooting around like the stairwell. The light was being shot all over and bouncing off the walls, ceiling and floor. If might not look as filled out if you were shooting in the same high ceiling rooms that your did in your previous shots. Those are tough venues to shoot in. Also, maybe pump up the flash power a little since the defuser can really suck up power.
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