The lighter side of a wedding day

Aug 29, 2013
I'm sure we all have a story to share, some of us enough to fill books. (I hope it's ok to post here as this is the closest I could find to an "anything goes" section.)

A lot of interesting things can happen on a wedding day but this one was pretty cute so I just couldn't keep it to myself. So, the wedding couple, family and guests are from out of town. Way out of town. Most have heard of the town the couple is getting married in but have never been to it. So naturally, you've got more late guests and family than usual. No problem. Nothing can start until the bride arrives anyway, right? Well, the problem starts when the bride gets lost (we assume) on the way to the church. At around the 35 minute mark, the groom is getting nervous. Again, it happens and the groomsmen and I just chat him up to keep his mind away from thoughts of "she's not coming". Meanwhile, as the helpful photographer, I always have everyone's cell numbers and they have mine, "just in case". I figure it can't hurt to call the bride's number and see if I can help since of course it's my town and I might be able to guide them in so to speak. So I step outside of the church to make a call and then things get interesting.

I dial her number and it goes a little like this,
Me: "Hello".
Voice on other end: "Hello". (a man's voice)
Me: "I'm calling for Patricia" (I'm a little uncertain now as I'm speaking to a man not a lady)
Me: "I'm sorry, but did Patricia accidentally give me her home phone?"
Voice on other end: "I don't understand. Who's calling?" (Now I'm confused)
Me: "I was calling Patricia on her cell. I was hoping to find out where she is and if I could help"
Voice on other end:"I don't understand" (whew, so it's not just me who doesn't)
Me: "I'm sorry, but to whom am I speaking?"
Voice on other end: "Darren"
At which point I ask him to hold on while I walk into the church, up the aisle to the waiting groom, and say to him "Hello Darren, we've spoken on the phone but it's nice to finally meet you in person". Yes, the groom had the bride's phone. It had information on it vital to the ceremony needed before the bride got there so it went ahead with the groom. Well, at least it got rid of some tension the groom had build up. And yes, she showed up soon thereafter and all went as planned. Well, a little later than planned but it went well and that's all that mattered.
I had a similar one...

I arrive early at the wedding... at a historic mill way out of town and down a series of dirt roads....

Then the groom and the preacher show up.....

And we wait and wait and wait.... and NOBODY else shows up....

We are now an hour late and NOBODY has shown up. Several walks back to the parking lot and nothing!

Then everyone arrives in a rush together. A hay wagon got stuck on a one lane bridge on the only road in....
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Great story!

Had a bride turn up 25 minus late for the wedding. She was staying in the venue in the room above the wedding room so that she wouldn't be late. She had a lace-back dress that "would only take a couple of minutes to put on" - oh how wrong could she have been.

Got lots of great shots of the groom pointing to his watch and the clock on the wall, looking behind the curtains and under chairs - thankfully he had a sense of humour and was used to her lack of time keeping so he decided to entertain the guests who were way more worried than he was about her lateness.
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IMG_0001 said:
Great stories guys, I had never realized that the day I will get married, I would need to find such a way to entertain the photographer...
It's not about entertaining the photographer. It was merely a story about how sometimes not everything goes quite as planned but in spite of that, the couple are in love and get married and start off on a wonderful life together. Plus, it was more about my interaction with the groom than a comment on the bride's lateness. We're just pointing out that regardless of the glitches, it always works out but there are times when you hold your breath hoping it will. And then it does.
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Joe M said:
IMG_0001 said:
Great stories guys, I had never realized that the day I will get married, I would need to find such a way to entertain the photographer...
It's not about entertaining the photographer. It was merely a story about how sometimes not everything goes quite as planned but in spite of that, the couple are in love and get married and start off on a wonderful life together. Plus, it was more about my interaction with the groom than a comment on the bride's lateness. We're just pointing out that regardless of the glitches, it always works out but there are times when you hold your breath hoping it will. And then it does.

Oops, I think I've been misinterpreted. I genuinely enjoyed the stories. The thing about entertaining the photographers was just a pinch of humor. Aren't we on the Canon humor forum after all!
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IMG_0001 said:
Joe M said:
IMG_0001 said:
Great stories guys, I had never realized that the day I will get married, I would need to find such a way to entertain the photographer...
It's not about entertaining the photographer. It was merely a story about how sometimes not everything goes quite as planned but in spite of that, the couple are in love and get married and start off on a wonderful life together. Plus, it was more about my interaction with the groom than a comment on the bride's lateness. We're just pointing out that regardless of the glitches, it always works out but there are times when you hold your breath hoping it will. And then it does.

Oops, I think I've been misinterpreted. I genuinely enjoyed the stories. The thing about entertaining the photographers was just a pinch of humor. Aren't we on the Canon humor forum after all!

My turn to say "oops". That's the thing about these sorts of things, you don't have the face to face so you (I) don't always get the meaning of what's said. I always tell my wife I ought to write a book but I think the only people who would relate are other photographers and they have enough stories of their own. Well, it's another Saturday and another wedding today so fingers crossed all goes without a hiccup ;)
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Just a quick and amusing anecdote about a wedding in which I was not the photographer, but the groom. We men were all wearing black tuxedos. One of my groomsmen shows up in his white shirt, black bowtie & cummerbund ... wearing a pair of white shorts and topsiders, and announces "OK, I'm here! Where do I stand?"

Our photographer -- a seasoned veteran -- didn't miss a beat. He says to the guy, "Get up here!" and takes the attached shot ... one of my favorites in our wedding album.


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    Tuxedo shorts.jpg
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IMG_0001 said:
Joe M said:
IMG_0001 said:
Great stories guys, I had never realized that the day I will get married, I would need to find such a way to entertain the photographer...
It's not about entertaining the photographer. It was merely a story about how sometimes not everything goes quite as planned but in spite of that, the couple are in love and get married and start off on a wonderful life together. Plus, it was more about my interaction with the groom than a comment on the bride's lateness. We're just pointing out that regardless of the glitches, it always works out but there are times when you hold your breath hoping it will. And then it does.

Oops, I think I've been misinterpreted. I genuinely enjoyed the stories. The thing about entertaining the photographers was just a pinch of humor. Aren't we on the Canon humor forum after all!

I got your humor first time around. Chill. :)
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