Where is the G7x MK III?

No, G5X (same sensor as the G7X I and RX100 II and III, but way too bulky) suffers the same auto focus and continuous shooting performance lag issues..Also, rather poor lens (see dpreview for a review of the camera where they also recommend the RX100 III over it if quality means anything to you).

You get what you pay for...still hoping the Canon G7X III offers something more on par with the Sony RX100 VA and VI. For some, quality is more important, for others they want touchscreens like they are using a smartphone.

A viewfinder comes with a hotshoe and the camera is called G5X.

On a pocket camera, I need neither and don't want to overpay.
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You get what you pay for...
Exactly, and I don't want to pay for the viewfinder.

still hoping the Canon G7X III offers something more on par with the Sony RX100 VA and VI.

For some, quality is more important, for others they want touchscreens like they are using a smartphone.
When quality is more important to me, I use my 100-400L, and not some slow 200 mm equivalent lens on a pocket camera, thank you very much.

When I'm using a pocket camera, I have already decided on my preference for convenience.
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Right, see for your purposes, the G7X II or smartphone works great.

For those of us who want the best rated overall and superior IQ pocket camera, we opt for the all in one RX100 VA or VI.

Here is hoping Canon improves the lens and sluggish performance in the G7X III, but as we saw with many of Canon‘s latest Powershot cameras, hope we don’t get another...

Noun/Latin Origin
– To never go the full step you really need to innovate and take over the market.
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Right, see for your purposes, the G7X II or smartphone works great.

For those of us who want the best rated overall and superior IQ pocket camera, we opt for the all in one RX100 VA or VI.
You still don't get it? VI is a mediocre pocket camera compared to V and G7X II. The lens is too slow. I personally don't want G7X III to be as crippled as RX100 VI when it comes to what I use pocket cameras for.

But of course, for those of you who want a camera that is "best rated"; not a camera that is actually useful for taking pictures....
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Sorry you feel that way, I and I am sure most others will stick with experts who review and compare cameras day in and day out.

Coming from someone who contrastly thinks the best rated compact camera since it has debuted is suddenly mediocre and crippled..LOL

So dpreview or any major photography site rates the RX100 line superior not for the IQ, performance, etc., but just to rate them as the best???

And you think I don’t get it...Gotta love touchscreens and joysticks over IQ, performance, AF, and lens quality. Canonitis.

You still don't get it? VI is a mediocre pocket camera compared to V and G7X II. The lens is too slow. I personally don't want G7X III to be as crippled as RX100 VI when it comes to what I use pocket cameras for.

But of course, for those of you who want a camera that is "best rated"; not a camera that is actually useful for taking pictures....
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Sorry you feel that way, I and I am sure most others will stick with experts who review and compare cameras day in and day out.

Coming from someone who contrastly thinks the best rated compact camera since it has debuted is suddenly mediocre and crippled..LOL

So dpreview or any major photography site rates the RX100 line superior not for the IQ, performance, etc., but just to rate them as the best???

And you think I don’t get it...Gotta love touchscreens and joysticks over IQ, performance, AF, and lens quality. Canonitis.
Of course, you don't get it, if you have no expertise to judge your cameras by yourself, so you need to rely on some external "experts", whose credentials as "experts" you have no ability to verify.

If you personally don't know what you need from your camera performance, but confuse it with the "ratings" it receives from click-sellers, you will listen to these click-selling "experts", and their customers (click-buyers, camera sellers) will be happy to sell whatever you have money to buy, no matter how mediocre it is for your use cases.

Unless, of course, your use case is not to take pictures, but to carry "the best rated compact camera" as a status symbol. When you are doing it right.

But I'm a bit too old and a bit too familiar with photography to seek a status symbol in a "compact camera". I use my cameras to take pictures, I know how to take pictures with cameras, and I know what cameras I need for that.
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I mostly (if not only) plan to use the G7X mk 3 (if it comes out) for videos. It will be my travel camera as I dont always want to carry DSLRs. Also the pocket camera can go easily on a small 3-axis gimbal and the overall weight will still be manageable. I have used smartphones a lot for videos and love the simplicity of their usage. That lets me focus on the story rather than fiddling with controls and changing lenses etc. I also loved what the Sony Rx100V was offering but it didnt have a touch focus which is very important for me when outdoors and also I read a lot about its over heating issues. Otherwise I would have bought the sony. What I am looking for in the G7x MK 3 is better focus tracking (hopefully with DPAF) of not only eye/face but any objects which is selected from the touch screen, upto 3 stop inbuilt ND filter, upto 120fps 1080P and a 18-60mm equivalent f1.4-f2.0 lens. I havent seen any camera maker with lens less than 24mm in this category so dont hope much that canon will do it either.. But apart from the lens, the other features are must for me.
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feature set = of course more important than being "advanced" if you need the features.
the zoom in VA is not much that a smart phone can't do and indeed it is ridiculous that there is no touch screen on a 2018 camera. and yes, the VI's got the zoom but with the price of hello darkness my old friend.
g7x ii and those sonys are both excellent cameras if you're fine with what they have and what they don't. but if g7x iii gets that mic in, that alone will make it unique and better than the others for me:)
and of course they're not even cameras of the same price range at all. not very interested in having a 1000+++ euro pocketable with me while travelling rock festivals totally hammered ;)
one could argue that ricoh and fuji also have hyper advanced cameras like this with their aps-c sensors but they lack with the useful feature set even more so...
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Very true, remember you cannot have a pocket size camera with extra long zoom and 1.8-2.8, just look at what they did to the G1X III.

feature set = of course more important than being "advanced" if you need the features.
the zoom in VA is not much that a smart phone can't do and indeed it is ridiculous that there is no touch screen on a 2018 camera. and yes, the VI's got the zoom but with the price of hello darkness my old friend.
g7x ii and those sonys are both excellent cameras if you're fine with what they have and what they don't. but if g7x iii gets that mic in, that alone will make it unique and better than the others for me:)
and of course they're not even cameras of the same price range at all. not very interested in having a 1000+++ euro pocketable with me while travelling rock festivals totally hammered ;)
one could argue that ricoh and fuji also have hyper advanced cameras like this with their aps-c sensors but they lack with the useful feature set even more so...
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Very true, remember you cannot have a pocket size camera with extra long zoom and 1.8-2.8, just look at what they did to the G1X III.
agree.. long zoom is never a requirement for me. if they make the zoom ratio smaller and give a bigger aperture, i will be happy.. but i would love a wider lens.. very useful for wide video shots. 24mm is not good enough at wide end.. whereas a 50mm/60mm is enough on the telephoto side for me.
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I'm looking to pick up the mark III purely as a vlogging camera. Don't care about viewfinder, zoom range+aperture are nice. I hope the screen could flip out to the side instead of blocked up top. And better 4K/low light performance/framerate options.

I'm literally just on the sidelines waiting to buy - it'll either be this when it's released, or I'd get the RX100... but I think the canon would be better based on rumors/mark II performance for video.
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Someone suggested 3 stops based on how it is supposed to kick in during exposure bracketing. (They were having a problem where the data suggested that it should have been on, but wasn’t.)
thanks.. if its indeed 3 stops, its already good for video outdoors. May need one stop more in bright sunlight and wide aperture. Since it only supports 1080 at 60fps, the shutter shouldnt go beyond 125.
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Something is just not right I remember the last leaked pictures in FCC was December 2018 and now almost 4months passed nothing has been confirmed but the weird things is how can the person leaked the images from FCC registration because I suppose they're bound to not disclose it to the public with usually NDU signed perhaps this has change something in the delayed or could be something else. April is coming please released it Canon !
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Something is just not right I remember the last leaked pictures in FCC was December 2018 and now almost 4months passed nothing has been confirmed but the weird things is how can the person leaked the images from FCC registration because I suppose they're bound to not disclose it to the public with usually NDU signed perhaps this has change something in the delayed or could be something else. April is coming please released it Canon !
I think I saw here that the photos were faked. That doesn't mean the Mark III will never come out; just that we shouldn't expect a time frame based on the "leaked" photos. A few months back I was talking with a salesman at Best Buy, and they had seen nothing to suggest that it was coming out any time soon. He was interested in buying a small camera himself. I asked about the Sony (which I had just fiddled with briefly), but he was unimpressed, just as I had already concluded it had gone the wrong direction for my needs (longer zoom, slower lens). He was thinking about getting the II, but had about decided the M50 was a better fit for what he wanted, and still small enough. I did look through the M50 and had a good first impression. If I wanted something to fill the niche between the G7X size and FF, I would certainly consider it seriously. But really, I can't come up with situations in my mind that makes it a real interest.

I would like to have the III by early June if I'm going to buy one. I'll shoot some video then that I do each year for an eager audience around the country, and then later in June I'll be heading to Europe. My II will be fine for both if the III doesn't materialize. I use the video project each year to familiarize myself with new equipment when I have it. Quality is not so important to the audience as content. I used the 6D2 last year and the G7X II the year before that. I shot 4K on the iPhone 6S, and used the extra resolution to allow me to zoom in during editing. If the III comes with 4K, that would expedite my quick late-night editing. Otherwise nothing new I have would be suitable for the project. I have a refurbed 85mm lens coming (from the 15% off sale), but that will be too tight. The G7X II will be the handiest tool for the project as of my current status.
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