Canon Announces PowerShot V10. Woohoo.

If you are going to the "Dark Side", the R3 is very good in low light.

For that matter though, how can you be sure you are not on the "Dark Side" now?
Yep, my heart cries out for an R3, and low light performance is just one of the reasons why. But I mostly shoot wildlife, and often have to crop significantly to avoid interfering with their behavior (not to mention avoiding becoming a meal). It would be lovely to see an R3 II with a 45 MB sensor, wouldn't it?

Half of my friends tell me routinely that I'm on the Dark Side now for using Canon instead of Nikon. And half say it's because I'm not shooting Sony. And half say it's because I only shoot wildlife instead of doing "Real" Photography. Pretty much any way you look at it, I've always been the black sheep in my family. :)
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@Chiphadzuwa is correct. Lenses focus wide open between frames. The iris diaphragms in older lenses can’t support the speed needed to open/close the aperture fast enough to keep up with modern camera frame rates.

That sounds reasonable. We are talking about the 500mm F/4 I which was designed for a camera capable of 10fps. I do know that with the 500mm F/4 I had no problem with the 1D IV getting 10fps. His pro buddy mentioned the X and then compares it to the R5 of 6 to 7 fps. I would speculate that the problem may be battery power. It should get the 10 fps shouldn't it?
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That sounds reasonable. We are talking about the 500mm F/4 I which was designed for a camera capable of 10fps. I do know that with the 500mm F/4 I had no problem with the 1D IV getting 10fps. His pro buddy mentioned the X and then compares it to the R5 of 6 to 7 fps. I would speculate that the problem may be battery power. It should get the 10 fps shouldn't it?
I would think so, but there are other factors such as having a high enough shutter speed and low enough ISO. Aperture, too. IIRC, for the 1D X to hit 12 fps the selected aperture had to be not more than 4 stops down from wide open.
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Hello, Kit. Thank you for asking. I'm really just in the market for a long tele prime. My Canon 500 f/4 Mk I is a beautiful old lens and of course performs superbly. But it's long obsolete now (out of Canon's support window), getting too heavy for me; getting over-large for international wilderness travel in these times of the airline baggage squeeze; and the Mk I can't live up to the fps capabilities of R5, R3, or R6. And, as I've said elsewhere, Canon's current list of pro-grade replacements are unaffordable for me. It seems I have a few less-than-ideal options for replacement. I can buy used, but the f/4 MK II will be off Canon's support list in '29. Or I can buy Canon's RF 100-500 but give up a lot on max aperture (and I already own the 100-400 Mk II, which I love). Or I can buy Sigma or Tamron and accept some reduced IQ. Or I can move to Nikon, where there are a few prosumer-grade lenses in a more reasonable (for me) price range at the cost of some speed, but not much in the way of IQ -- and probably better overall lens quality than Sigma or Tamron. Like as not I'll just have to bite the bullet and pay more for a used Mk II than I can really afford. Time will tell.

Of course, moving to a Nikon lens would require me to move to a Nikon body, too
So, basically, all of this is about a single lens, 500/5.6 PF (which Canon likely doesn't feel the need to reproduce due to the existence of RF 100-500 as a walk-around "international wilderness travel" lens), and your unwillingness to get an RF 100-500 due to personal reasons? Correct?
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We need G1X IV and G3X II, rather than this boring toy.
It is 2023 now. Any clue?
Fixed lens camera sales have been hit the hardest by the rise of smartphones. Over the past decade, ILC sales have dropped significantly (maybe 50% overall), but fixed lens camera sales have dropped by >90%. Maybe there will be updates to the G-series cameras, maybe not. I would not recommend holding your breath.

Yes, P&S cameras are making a vinyl. But even then, it's not the high-end ones that are gaining popularity, it's the PowerShot SD1300-type cameras, small and cheap and they're being bought used for the most part. Not my thing, but I suspect the point is that they look like Instax cameras in terms of IQ (vintage, baby!) but you can post the pics to your stream immediately.
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It would be lovely to see an R3 II with a 45 MB sensor, wouldn't it?
I predict it will be closer to 30 MP.
The Z 8 kind of makes it look like it was a bad idea for Canon to not release a camera in the 45 MP range with a stacked sensor ahead of the R1.
I do not see Canon having a 45 MP camera in the $4K USD price range that also has a stacked sensor for quite some time.
Sony could always drop the price of the a1.
I do not think they will though with the a9 III coming.
I also predict that the a9 III will be 33 MP and around $4,500-$5K USD.
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