5D3 Card slot door grip is peeling


Particular Member
Aug 16, 2012
Hey all,

The grippy material on my 5D3 card slot door is peeling off now in year 8 of use. It's just the adhesive on that grip material that is letting me down. Otherwise, the door itself is perfectly functional. It comes on/off for battery grip changeout without a problem, and it securely locks the card chamber as securely as the day I bought it.


Other parts of grippy material (elsewhere on the body) started to go a couple years ago, but CPS replaced it all for free when I had my camera serviced. Apparently, the entire body's grip material is on one sheet of paper* and they can replace it all in one go.

*...except the card slot door grippy material for some reason.

So it seems like I only have two options to deal with this (if I want it fixed):
But a whole door replacement will be both sides of the hinge and therefore require peeling back solidly mounted body grip (on the right of the picture above) and some degree of teardown to free up the hinge. Seems a bit much for an isolated grip replacement.

So am I crazy to think that just peeling the old coating off, properly cleaning the gunk out and just replacing the rubber on the door is the best way to go? Are there any third parties you trust for this?

Advice appreciated, thx.

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Semi-Reactive Member
Jun 5, 2012
S Florida
Answer from an LR technician:

"For something like that I probably would use double-sided tape. Since any other adhesive would off-gas and could leave traces on your sensor, mirror, or prism."

Sounds like they'd leave the rubber as is and just deal with the adhesive failing.

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I disagree. They would clean off the old adhesive and reapply the pad with double-sided tape. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find some 3M double-sided tape as thin as possible and fix your grip. It will take some searching and you will have to buy a spool of tape longer than you will ever use for a price you may find ludicrous. So you have to ask yourself how bad do you want it? For $6, I'd give the dubious dude on Amazon a shot...
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Particular Member
Aug 16, 2012
I disagree. They would clean off the old adhesive and reapply the pad with double-sided tape. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find some 3M double-sided tape as thin as possible and fix your grip. It will take some searching and you will have to buy a spool of tape longer than you will ever use for a price you may find ludicrous. So you have to ask yourself how bad do you want it? For $6, I'd give the dubious dude on Amazon a shot...

I actually meant the same thing as what you wrote. "Deal with" in my prior post didn't mean 'cope with it being crappy', it meant that I would peel the rubber out and clean out the adhesive before trying a new one. I think we're on the same page.

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Semi-Reactive Member
Jun 5, 2012
S Florida
I actually meant the same thing as what you wrote. "Deal with" in my prior post didn't mean 'cope with it being crappy', it meant that I would peel the rubber out and clean out the adhesive before trying a new one. I think we're on the same page.

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Got it. Yes, I misunderstood. Funny how little things can be annoying. My 9 year old EF 70-200 f/4L IS focus ring slips (a common problem). I have read about many "fixes" from replacing the rubber ring to cramming shims beneath it. Since I rarely manualy focus with that lens and the AF is fine, I chose the path of least resistance and did nothing. Good luck with the replacement!
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Del Paso

M3 Singlestroke
Canon Rumors Premium
Aug 9, 2018
Got it. Yes, I misunderstood. Funny how little things can be annoying. My 9 year old EF 70-200 f/4L IS focus ring slips (a common problem). I have read about many "fixes" from replacing the rubber ring to cramming shims beneath it. Since I rarely manualy focus with that lens and the AF is fine, I chose the path of least resistance and did nothing. Good luck with the replacement!
Had the same issue with my 24.70.
Fixed it with double sideb adhesive tape from Amazon (3 M, of course...)
New ring should be fitted with extreme care, in order not to widen them!
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Semi-Reactive Member
Jun 5, 2012
S Florida
Had the same issue with my 24.70.
Fixed it with double sideb adhesive tape from Amazon (3 M, of course...)
New ring should be fitted with extreme care, in order not to widen them!
I probably won't do anything about it unless I need to sell the lens. The only way that will happen is when Canon releases an RF 70-200 f/4L IS with the same treatment as they gave the f/2.8 and it drops to a price I can live with. So no time soon...
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Particular Member
Aug 16, 2012
I probably won't do anything about it unless I need to sell the lens. The only way that will happen is when Canon releases an RF 70-200 f/4L IS with the same treatment as they gave the f/2.8 and it drops to a price I can live with. So no time soon...

If they flip the f/2.8 to external zooming, surely they will for f/4.

But I hear you on the price. I'm guessing that would be a $1599 lens or so -- which is pretty close to what the EF f/2.8 version can be purchased for.

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Particular Member
Aug 16, 2012
Okay, so eBay to the rescue. Original 5D3 peeled off on the left, new on the right.

Item purchased:

Clear issue I can see right away, they form cut the rubber and the tape together. So there surely will be a problem with there being just a hair too much adhesive unless it's completely clear.


Okay, peeling it off from the body was easy, and other than one end, it came up completely clean like the gel adhesives used in mailers and print applications. The remainder (bottom right pic = before cleanup) came up with a q-tip + fingernail combo -- no Goo Gone or liquids required.


Then I peeled off the backing (see adhesive above if you want to buy your own). It was not perfectly clear, which did not surprise me. So I eyeballed the bits where the 3M paper profile overhung the foam profile and I carefully peeled that back and trimmed 1-2mm or so with scissors.

Peeled the rest, applied, and here it is. I had to 'form' it a bit to better apply without the CARD OPEN U-shaped bit showing too much daylight, but that was due to me applying the adhesive a bit clumsily. The shape is actually pretty good.


It's not perfect, and I clearly didn't trim enough with scissors in one spot, but the rubber fits well and seems really securely seated. It's clearly 3rd party looking but it's on there and I'm hopeful it will be for some time.

I've kept my original 5D3 grip material for resale someday (I could surely scrub it and use the adhesive above), but I'll stick with this replacement for now.

I'll follow up if it falls off.

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