A New Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L Tilt-Shift Lens Coming? [CR2]

Canon Rumors Guy

Canon EOS 40D
Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 20, 2010
<p>We’ve now heard from multiple people that an update to the Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L tilt-shift lens is likely coming some time in the next year. The current version was announced in June of 2009, so we are approaching the 10 year anniversary of this highly regarded lens.</p>
<p>There has been no mention of the TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II tilt-shift being updated as well. This lens was announced alongside the TS-E 17mm f/4L back in 2009.</p>
<p><em>More to come…</em></p>
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Aaron D said:
YESSSS!!!! Hope it's got a tripod foot AND can take filters! But really sharp would be nice, too…..

A tripod foot would be really helpful for stitching but it's plenty sharp in my opinion. Unless there's room to really surprise us. Fotodiox has the 17mm already covered for filters so I'm not concerned about that.

I would much rather have resources go to developing something like a 14mm TS-E.
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SkynetTX said:
I would really be surprised if Canon released some useful lenses this year like a 24-70mm f/2.8L IS or 50mm f/1.4L IS or 250mm f/4 IS Macro with ring-type USM motors. :)

Useful to who? Those lenses are useless to me. You can pick get a nice sigma 50 if you like. Canon has people like me still in their lens system because of these TS-Es.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Feb 5, 2014
Great news!

I have to full line up of these and loving them more every day! Last week I did some multishot panorama with the 50 mm T/S using some tilt and Lord! How sharp everything was from 3 ft to infinity!Contrast was superb!Great color.

I just bought a 24 mm T/S (for the 2nd time) 3 weeks ago - so it will be a Grrrr - if the MK III comes up now!

I will be waiting to upgrade the 17 mm!

BTW- those 3 new ones are just awesome even as regular lenses! So sharp! So contrasty!!

Thank Canon- that is why I am so loyal to you!
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ecqns said:
SkynetTX said:
I would really be surprised if Canon released some useful lenses this year like a 24-70mm f/2.8L IS or 50mm f/1.4L IS or 250mm f/4 IS Macro with ring-type USM motors. :)

Useful to who? Those lenses are useless to me. You can pick get a nice sigma 50 if you like. Canon has people like me still in their lens system because of these TS-Es.

I would buy this: 250mm f/4 IS Macro with ring-type USM motors. And I am definitely in the market for a 50mm with quick, accurate AF, also USM.
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ecqns said:
GMCPhotographics said:
Of all the lenses in Canon's current catalogue that doesn't need updating...it's this one.

That's why I can't see this as being realistic, now maybe they really meant a 14mm TS-E was in the works.

The 17mm TS-E is a nice lens, but it really isn't as sharp as you might hope based on the quality of the 24mm II or the newer lenses. A bit wider would make it really nice, though.
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Dec 25, 2012
GMCPhotographics said:
Of all the lenses in Canon's current catalogue that doesn't need updating...it's this one.
Really? I can understand the new 35IIL, 85LIS and 135IIL...but a TSe 17IIL is a real surprise!

I really like my copy and I use it a lot more than I thought I would. It's great for architecture.

I use mine on a 5DsR and it lacks for nothing.
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Jun 27, 2013
SkynetTX said:
I would really be surprised if Canon released some useful lenses this year like a 24-70mm f/2.8L IS or 50mm f/1.4L IS or 250mm f/4 IS Macro with ring-type USM motors. :)
+1 to that 250mm F4 IS Macro, would upgrade to that lens immediately also would really like to see FF equivalent of recently released EF-S 35mm IS Macro.
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SkynetTX said:
I would really be surprised if Canon released some useful lenses this year like a 24-70mm f/2.8L IS or 50mm f/1.4L IS or 250mm f/4 IS Macro with ring-type USM motors. :)

+1 for 24-70 and 50

Although I use 17 TS-E and I find my copy inferior to my 24 TS-E II when it comes to sharpness and extreme shifts. But when it comes to where would my money go, I would buy 24-70 IS or new 50 without much thinking but I would not rush to upgrade my 17 TS-E.
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Mar 26, 2014
ecqns said:
SkynetTX said:
I would really be surprised if Canon released some useful lenses this year like a 24-70mm f/2.8L IS or 50mm f/1.4L IS or 250mm f/4 IS Macro with ring-type USM motors. :)

Useful to who? Those lenses are useless to me. You can pick get a nice sigma 50 if you like. Canon has people like me still in their lens system because of these TS-Es.

As you haven't switched to Nikon since the PC-E 19mm was announced, I think it's safe to assume you don't have an appealing alternative to Canon TS-E lenses. Furthermore, Canon released new 50mm, 90mm, and 135mm TS-E lenses to cater to that segment.

On the other hand, there's apparently money to be made in high IQ expensive 50mm f/1.4 lenses, which is why Sigma, Zeiss, and Nikon released one, and Tokina has announced the release of one as well. Canon is late to the game, but apparently is in position to beat the competition with an image stabilized lens.

I'd say the smart move on Canon's side is to release the 50mm f/1.4L IS first, and a new TS-E 17mm lens later.

[I might consider a TS-17mm mkII, but the 16-35mm f/2.8L mkIII would be first, and a non-L 50mm f/1.4 IS second, though the later is likely to never be released.]
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