Aldi cleaning wipes inadvisable


The dark side - I've been there
Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 7, 2013
Hello everybody!

I have just made the unpleasant experience that some Aldi humid cleaning wipes are absolutely unusable.
And I wanted to let you know so you don't make the the same unpleasant experiences as I did.

I bought some "optiWisch Bildschirmreinigungstücher" from Ald Süd distributed by the Hyga GmbH & Co KG, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr.
The packaging instruction said the cleaning wipes are ideally suitable for cleaning displays as well as lenses, etc.

I wanted to use them for my computer and camera displays and occasionally for dirty filters in field.

The problem is that the cleaning wipes produce streaks all over the place and make the situation worse than before.
Even worse: if you don't want to clean glass or really plain surfaces, e.g. camera housings after beeing at the sea shore and getting some sea spray, the cleaning wipes generate pieces of fluff (German: Fusseln).

So stay away from these and try something else.

Note: I reported that issue to the distributer. If I'll get any answer I'll let you know.

Mt Spokane Photography

Canon Rumors Premium
Mar 25, 2011
I never use wipes on a lens glass. With some brands, you don't know for sure if they are safe. Marketing Departments often just make up stuff, they don't know what's in them, nor have they tested them. You are in danger of damaging the coatings on the front element of some lenses like the 24-70L MK II, which has a fragile coating.

If I were going to use them, I'd get the Zeiss ones. They are readily available in many eyeglass departments as well as camera stores.!

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The dark side - I've been there
Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 7, 2013
Mt Spokane Photography said:
I never use wipes on a lens glass. With some brands, you don't know for sure if they are safe. ...
Thank you, Mt Spokane, for adding this up.

As I said before I wanted to use them for the monitor and NOT for optical glass except for the filters, occasionally.
I know that these liquids and cemicals used in those cleaning wipes can damage the coating, for example.

But these you couldn't even use for anything :mad:
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Mt Spokane Photography

Canon Rumors Premium
Mar 25, 2011
Maximilian said:
Mt Spokane Photography said:
I never use wipes on a lens glass. With some brands, you don't know for sure if they are safe. ...
Thank you, Mt Spokane, for adding this up.

As I said before I wanted to use them for the monitor and NOT for optical glass except for the filters, occasionally.
I know that these liquids and cemicals used in those cleaning wipes can damage the coating, for example.

But these you couldn't even use for anything :mad:

Some brands of filters are really tough to clean, and the isopropyl alcohol in glass cleaning wipes seems to streak more than other cleaners. I put a couple of drops of Costco eyeglass cleaner on mine and use a microfiber cloth. The cleaner uses a very diluted soap, has no grit or alcohol, and cleans filters easily, even those that tend to streak. I've found it far cheaper (FREE) and it works better. Costco has a dispenses for it in their eyeglass departments, so I refill free when I need more. A person can also make their own by using just a couple of drops of a grit free dish detergent like DAWN in a pint of water. My eye doctor recommended it for glasses and it works for lenses. Don't apply directly to a lens, wet a soft lens cloth slightly. Don't rub the glass either, just a light wipe is dangerous enough. Usually, just blowing away dust works fine.

B&H filters tend to be easily cleaned, but some of the other brands can be very difficult. Its the coatings that cause the issue.
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