Best for Rental in the UK?

The three that I'm aware of nationally in the UK are Calumet (expensive), Lenses for Hire and Hire a Camera (both reasonable, but read through the terms and conditions and insurance information). I know of people who have used Lenses for Hire and have had a good experience and I've heard similar reports online regarding Hire a Camera. I know that Lenses for Hire also rent out TSE lenses, whereas Hire a Camera has a smaller range of lenses. There are probably more local sellers that also rent out, such as Bristol Cameras or Clifton Cameras (I have a feeling one of them does, but I can't remember which one).
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There's a company called Lens Fettish. Think it's a very small outfit (a slightly odd website). I have no idea if they are any good but I recently purchased an ex rental L lens from them on ebay (only a year old according to the date code) and it's a fab lens. So I reckon they regularly update their stock and look after it, though I have a sneaking suspicion that they may only have one of each lens.
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