Canon EF 50mm f/1.0L USM



I noticed there was no thread for the 50mm f/1.0 lens so I thought I'd remedy that.

Sure, for most people this lens is irrelevant. It is no longer in production and used copies are quite expensive ($4000-$4500). It is heavy and very slow to focus (slower than the f/1.2 lens), and quite frankly, it is not as sharp as the f/1.4 lens.


This lens can be used at f/1.0 - something no other EF lens can match - in fact, it only makes sense to use this lens at f/1.0 because otherwise the f/1.4 lens will significantly outperform it.


Kit Lens Jockey

Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 12, 2016
I'm living the dream so you don't have to. 8)

Everyone always says "Oh, we have such good AF and ISO performance now, there's no need for f1." But the thing is, it's all relative. You can take that great ISO performance and AF, combine it with f1, and go just that much darker, and get just that much cleaner images. Granted, on DSLRs you don't get the full advantage of f1 due to sensors' limited capability to collect light from such a large aperture. But I still feel the advantage is there, at least as compared to my Sigma 50 art lens. When things get really, really dark, this lens can still focus on scenes where the 1.4 struggles. And yes, the sharpness is not there like the art lens, but deal with it.

Watch out for those lens flares though...


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