Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM


A kitty I met while in Finland.
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Thank you, Click.
I really do enjoy getting everything in place in the original shot. Oh yes, do I, ever.
But now with these absolutely ridiculously fantastic plug-ins you can get to create the mood you are after, I mean, why the hell not use them? Sometimes you have a perfect photo that goes 'blah' at you. Then you take it through the selection of Alien Skin and maybe you get it to sing. If one take is not enough, nothing keeps you from applying another set, as you want.
It is so funny, people telling me that I am FALFSIFYING the true RAW.
Like hell I am. A digital picture is a series of nuls and 1's. The matrix of numbers is dechiffred in your computer to make math look like art again.

All the talk about 'original and nonmanipulated' totally loses its valeur when you see how a picture is recreated from the data that you captured with your camera.

It is not TRI-X days any longer, or Echtachrome.
Let's face it.
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