Canon Germany CashBack - November 1st 2014 to Januar 31st 2015


The dark side - I've been there
Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 7, 2013
Canon Germany has started a new CashBack promotion.
Starting from November 1st 2014 and going to Januar 31st 2015.
Deatails see here:

The CashBack promotion is so brand new that some links are pointing to the Summer promotion (today Nov. 2nd).
So don't get irritated.


Canon Pride.
Feb 7, 2012
tayassu said:
Looks like wie have limited choices this time... :/

... and the price reductions are way below the summer one, for example I bought my 600rt with €100 (now only €70) which is stange considering the new competition Canon is facing.

The biggest items missing that were included every time till now are the 70-300L (afaik was €150), the 70-200L/2.8 (was €200) and the 24-70L2 (was €300(!)). Esp. for the latter I wonder how many of this lens Canon sells - the Tamron 24-70 is reasonably priced, and who's going for the full price of Canon's L2 if you know it was €300 off already?
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Canon Pride.
Feb 7, 2012
Bernd FMC said:
The actual CashBack is not listed in the primary Webside "Promotions".

It is, you need to use the red arrow on the right side of the picture line with the lenses so it scrolls until you reach the flashes :) ... that's modern technology for you, but it is amicable of the hotline not to make their customers look too stupid (no offense meant) :p
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Canon Pride.
Feb 7, 2012
Bernd FMC said:
you missunderstood me - i meant the Webpage:
Where the Wintercashback ist not listed for now.

Ah, right, the link from the very top post works though: and this is where the flashes are somewhat hidden at the end of the lens list.
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The dark side - I've been there
Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 7, 2013
Marsu42 said:
... and the price reductions are way below the summer one, for example I bought my 600rt with €100 (now only €70) which is stange considering the new competition Canon is facing.

The biggest items missing that were included every time till now are the 70-300L (afaik was €150), the 70-200L/2.8 (was €200) and the 24-70L2 (was €300(!)). Esp. for the latter I wonder how many of this lens Canon sells - the Tamron 24-70 is reasonably priced, and who's going for the full price of Canon's L2 if you know it was €300 off already?
Yes! That's true. But you can see this strategy throughout the last few CashBack promotions.
It was almost hilarious that i got 50 € back buying a 40/2.8 STM in summer 2013.

IMHO the German Canon marketing is following a clear strategy to promote products that will get new customers into the Canon harbor and no longer address the ambitious amateurs and pros that much.
Therefore the top products are missing.
I also think that they want to maybe get sales numbers of certain products up to achieve their forecasts.
So enough 24-70L/2.8 II sold means no promo on them.
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For me, it is actually good that the 70-200 2.8 IS II is not on the list of promoted products. ;)
With the recent price cut to <1900€ in DE and an additional (hypothetical) 200-300€ cashback on top, I would have been very tempted to buy it (despite having a 70-200 F4 IS with which I am very happy). That money would then be missing for buying the Siggy 150-600 S (which is what I really need, as the 70-200 is currently my longest lens).

The only item that I am somewhat interested is the 600 EX-RT. But since I am a flash-on-camera user mostly, I wonder if it would be worth the upgrade from my 580 EX.
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The dark side - I've been there
Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 7, 2013
Grummbeerbauer said:
For me, it is actually good that the 70-200 2.8 IS II is not on the list ...
Be careful not to get too close to any of them. They are really sticky ;)
But as you already have the F4 you are very well equiped.
Siggy 150-600 S? Pretty heavy IMHO, but if you considered this already, ok. Otherwise wait for the C version and how it performes compared to the S and the Tamron.
The only item that I am somewhat interested is the 600 EX-RT. But since I am a flash-on-camera user mostly, I wonder if it would be worth the upgrade from my 580 EX.
IMHO stay with the 580 EX and put your money one the 150-600 you'll choose.
Have fun with it.
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Canon Pride.
Feb 7, 2012
Grummbeerbauer said:
The only item that I am somewhat interested is the 600 EX-RT. But since I am a flash-on-camera user mostly, I wonder if it would be worth the upgrade from my 580 EX.

Also "no" from me, the 600rt is overpriced if you don't use the radio part. Most of all, after all this time 3rd-party triggers to rt-enable your older flashes are bound to be released sooner or later by Yongnuo and the like. The 600rt has the nice 200mm reflector and very good display/usability, but hardly worth the money if you've already got a "big" Canon flash.
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Nov 3, 2011
Maximilian said:
IMHO the German Canon marketing is following a clear strategy to promote products that will get new customers into the Canon harbor and no longer address the ambitious amateurs and pros that much.
Therefore the top products are missing.

As a long term observer and aoccasional user of Canon cashback promotions in "germanic Europe" (.AT. .DE, .CH) I have to disagree somewhat. Especially in Germany Canon has been and is running a number of promotions for Pro/SemiPro EOS cameras, lenses and gear. One fairly decent promotion was the 5D III / 1D-X "pro lens cashback" has just expired on Oct. 31 2014. When combined with the "general/consumer-targeted" summer cashback promotion, it did offer some good "compound" discounts on a good number of hi-grade lenses including 24-70/2.8 II [-€ 250] in combination with purchase of 5D III or 1D-X.

But there are a number of additional promotions going on in parallel to the general Christmas/Winter cash-back promotion ["XXL promotion, max. -200 and an extra -50 € ]

7D II lens cashback promotion

1D-X "try out" action is still on until Nov. 31, 2014

A highly flexible "accessory promotion" in conjunction with purchase of 5D III or 1D-X is also ongoing. € 200 are not a lot, but the amount can be applied towards absolutely any Canon EF/EF-S lens or any Canon speedlite or any other Canon accessory from Li-Ion batteries to Canon-branded photo bags.

Canon has learned however and does NOT allow combination of these "higher-end gear" promotions with the consumer-oriented "Christmas/Winter/XXL" cashback for larger, "compound" discounts. :(

Also still on is free 1 year subscritpion to Adobe Creative Cloud with purchase of 5D III, 6D, G1X II, G7X

Also there is a Capture One Pro 6 full license for free promotion with 5D III purchase
limited to a total of 2000 licenses - Canon website does not say, whether all licenses are gone by now or still available

Overall ... nothing wildly attractive at the moment, but "better than nothing". :)
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The dark side - I've been there
Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 7, 2013
AvTvM said:
As a long term observer and aoccasional user of Canon cashback promotions in "germanic Europe" (.AT. .DE, .CH) I have to disagree somewhat. ...
Yes! You are correct. Not only "somewhat". Overall.

I was exclusively looking at the "Summer/Winter CashBack" promotions when I pointed out my statement.
Take them alone, I think I am still correct, that there the values have been lowered. But that aproach was wrong.

But - and this is what you pointed out right - there are additional, different promotions for the pros, that are tared out in a way very attractive for them but less to amateurs because you have to put in much more money to get them.

So clever marketing adressing the customer in a clever way. I take my hat off to them.
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Nov 3, 2011
Yes -> Canon's "general/consumer" cashback in summer 2014 [at least for .DE, .AT, .CH] was overall more attractive than the current Winter/Christmas cashback promotion. :)

Other than that I observe that Canon is trying hard to "nationalize" their 2014 European winter cashback offerings. While porducts incuded are the same evrywhere, cashback amounts and specificsvary to some extend - definitely more than what is warranted and fair due to different VAT rates in different EU countries.

I doubt this behaviour is fully in line with what is permissible under EU consumer rights protection directives - especially in conjunction with online sales. I may therefore point out these discrepancies and the restrictions based on citizenship/seat of residence Canon sets forth in their country-specific Terms & Conditions related to these cashback promotions to the EU consumer rights authority. Hope that won't lead to Canon not offering any promotions in the EU though. :eek: :p

Basically, companies have to offer products to consumers at the same (net) price in all member states. However it is probably going to be tricky whether this includes rebates offered or only "advertised" prices and "MSRPs".
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Canon Pride.
Feb 7, 2012
AvTvM said:
I doubt this behaviour is fully in line with what is permissible under EU consumer rights protection directives - especially in conjunction with online sales.

That's an interesting point, I have though the same thing. But as it seems Canon legal department is aware of that - for example to participate in the DE cashback you just need to order from a .de domain online seller. As far as I understand it, it doesn't matter where you live... but they do exclude non-EU sales like from CH.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
AvTvM said:
I doubt this behaviour is fully in line with what is permissible under EU consumer rights protection directives - especially in conjunction with online sales.

Out of curiosity, where did you earn your law degree and how long have you been practicing EU/international trade law? Or maybe Canon just has incompetent lawyers, or none at all... :eek: :p
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Canon Pride.
Feb 7, 2012
neuroanatomist said:
AvTvM said:
I doubt this behaviour is fully in line with what is permissible under EU consumer rights protection directives - especially in conjunction with online sales.
Out of curiosity, where did you earn your law degree and how long have you been practicing EU/international trade law? Or maybe Canon just has incompetent lawyers, or none at all... :eek: :p

In defense of my our fellow CR participant, ignoring EU law is a common occurrence, esp in the case of large enterprises with armadas of corporate lawyers pushing pencils. There are no ends of trials and penalty fees, including the EU trying to enforce common policy against member countries. In the IT biz, think against "Microsoft vs. the EU".

It's just that in the case of Canon cashback, they have no real interest to try to get around EU law for offering some different promotions - a fight with the EU probably wouldn't be worth the hassle, so of course they comply.
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Nov 3, 2011
neuroanatomist said:
AvTvM said:
I doubt this behaviour is fully in line with what is permissible under EU consumer rights protection directives - especially in conjunction with online sales.

Out of curiosity, where did you earn your law degree and how long have you been practicing EU/international trade law? Or maybe Canon just has incompetent lawyers, or none at all... :eek: :p

You might be "surprised" to learn, that not all large companies are in sync with all legal requirements all the time and everywhere they operate :eek: ... no matter how many lawyers they employ and retain. :)

While I hold no law degree, I have already caught and successfully reported more than one large multinational company on practices not in line with EU consumer rights. Practices, T&Cs had to be changed by the companies ... and I got what I wanted at the price offered to other consumers in other EU countries. Which was all I wanted. :)

Currently I am eyeballing an online purchase of Canon gear in Germany and getting Canon cashback on it. "problem" ... which shoukd not be a problem in a "common market" ... I am not a citizen or resident of Germany but of another EU country.

So, one of the "discrepancies" I alluded to earlier ... is in Canon's current Germany winter cashback promotion:
* Ts&Cs are OK [as far as I can tell :)] ... stating participation in the cashback program is open to anybody with residence in any EU country [subject to many other conditions related to participating products etc.] - (at bottom of page; in german language)


* on the Canon registration website "GERMANY" is pre-filled and locked for country of residence. -> [left column, some way down]

and on the Austrian version of the registration site "AUSTRIA" is locked in and in the Netherlands
"NETHERLANDS" is locked in.
I have not checked for other EU countries, but since this "feature" is present in 3 countries' registration websites it does not appear to be an "oversight" in one country or by one of Canon's lawyers there. :)

To me ... it definitely looks like Canon is trying to make it difficult - or impossible [don't know yet] for EU consumers to participate in any cashback prootion offered in any EU country. Since product prices offered by retailers and also cash-back amounts offered by Canon are different on a country-by-country basis it is my suspicion that Canon is trying to keep savvy consumers from buying gear online where it is most cost-effective AFTER cashback. And I do believe this is not in line with EU consumer rights directives and it certainly is not in the spirit of a common market with free movement of product and services. The only differences acceptable would be due to different national VAT (or similar sales) tax rates - if and as applicable depending on seat of retailer and consumer.

Luckily Canon is providing an email and telephone contact for these promotions. So I will
1. first point out to them, that the country field should in my opinion be unlocked and open in the registration websites.
2. should they refuse to go along with my suggestion, I shall then bring it to the attention of the EU consumer rights authority to look into it. Just answering the likely ensueing request for information will already cause Canon (Europe + external parties involved in administering the cashback promotion) and all of their their lawyers quite a bit of work :)
3. If necessary I will make my purchase and try to register my claim. If it is denied ... I will have a valid title to lodge a formal complaint.
I sure hope steps 2 and 3 will not be necessary. ;D
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