Canon is actively conducting market research on a “retro” style camera body


Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
I want whatever the latest sensor technology is. If they produce a somewhat F1 body I'll wish for it, but if it has R5 level technology I'll probably buy it, because I'll be able to use it.
The R3 has a 24 MP sensor that is significantly more advanced (BSI, stacked) than the 45 MP FSI, non-stacked sensor in the R5. So you're contradicting yourself, I think.
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Del Paso

M3 Singlestroke
Canon Rumors Premium
Aug 9, 2018
I actually used both the Contax G2 outfit (28, 45, 90) and the Leica M6 (35/1.4, 74/1.4) a lot in the 90s. I could see utility in a re-issue of the QL14, actually, which was a rangefinder with a fixed 50/1.4. Except I might make it a 45 or 40/1.4. Give it a seriously nice sensor and it could be my back-pack camera instead of the R5+50/1.4+16/2.8 I carry now. Is anyone making a camera like that today? I think Leica had the "Q" or something with a fixed 28/2.8 which I get, but still is just too wide for me.
The Q3 is, at 28mm, a 60 MP camera. It can be electronically cropped (digital zoom) as a 35mm lens, with 36 MP, and, at 50mm, 18,5 MP.
Its lens is superb. Oh, and it's an f 1,7 !
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5% of gear used 95% of the time
Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 11, 2012
Yorkshire, England
No way you could manufacture such a thing today and sell it for the $549 that will get you a mint one on eBay.
True indeed, I think EOS 1v s were about £2300 at the end.
If Pentax do reintroduce a 35mm film camera as has been mooted it will be a horrible thing compared with their cameras from the ‘70s.
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Personally, I would prefer to see a retro MILC version of the Canon A-1 cameras that I began my photography with. It would also have the most appeal for people who want something that competes with modern tech because if does offer multi modes: Av, Tv, P, M etc. From a commercial point of view, it might make it attractive to a greater client base, thus making it more viable as a project. If this gets legs and is successful, perhaps there will be a line of retro-style cameras in the future....

If that is not a goer, then I would go for the fully manual bodies of the period.

Right now, I currently own three of the classic Nikon Df bodies that take me back to the Nikons I also used at the time. While I enjoy shooting with the latest tech, I still love the classic interface of the control dials. They encourage us to slow down, be in the moment and make the taking of an image an occasion to be savoured - in much the same way as there is still a constituency who love playing vinyl records.
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I don't care much about styling. Just give me a compact, fixed lens 35mm or 50mm f/2 FF60MP camera with simple controls -- and the shutter speed up top. Style it stealthy and beautiful. Mark the lens' depth of field on the outside, where I can see it without looking in the EVF. In other words, make a Leica Q3 with a normal focal length (35-50mm) and fill it with Canon technology (the modern AF and sensor that Leica lacks). If Canon does that, I will buy it sight unseen.
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Art Director, Visual Artist, Freelance Photography
Jul 28, 2011
New Yawk
Whatever the design, I'm sure it'll look good if they make it - I just hope they don't cripple it so hard that there's no reason to use it. I would love to see the R5 sensor in a retro body, WITH IBIS, though I wouldn't be too upset about smaller batteries even though it'd be nice to get the full LP-E6NH. Something about a retro body makes me nostalgic and makes me want to go out and make art. If it doesn't have that effect on everyone, that's cool! I also appreciate the more covert shooting, as people would think it's a film camera, at least until they got a lot closer (or if you had a white lens attached), putting you at less risk for theft, and it also makes people act more natural in my experience.

LOL The most important thing about canon cameras are what they LEAVE OUT.

Even thier own employees think thier practices are ridiculous- like no battery percentage on the full frame R8! Sorry, thats a pro feature! to me, the R5 has a save setting feature you can save to a card or so. The NEWER r62 doesn't have it. I only know about it because a cps tech was confused why he couldnt find it in the r62 manual. (troubleshooting my volatile r62 AF). He informed me that the first thing they do is reset the camera. I was taken aback because i took a lot of effort over months to set the camera up to be able to use different modes efficiently for three shooting scenarios. Now, ill have to do it all over again.

So yeah...that retro camera, if it ever comes out...will meet the cripple hammer for sure. Its canons legacy, and they are sticking with it.
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Art Director, Visual Artist, Freelance Photography
Jul 28, 2011
New Yawk
I don't care much about styling. Just give me a compact, fixed lens 35mm or 50mm f/2 FF60MP camera with simple controls -- and the shutter speed up top. Style it stealthy and beautiful. Mark the lens' depth of field on the outside, where I can see it without looking in the EVF. In other words, make a Leica Q3 with a normal focal length (35-50mm) and fill it with Canon technology (the modern AF and sensor that Leica lacks). If Canon does that, I will buy it sight unseen.

canon doesnt make new 50mm lenses, so it will be either the nifty 50 blah or the tank 50 L.
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Hi Canon (if you're reading this). =) I'm stopping in from Nikon Rumors. My first camera was an AE-1 Program and I fell in love with photography. Been back and forth since brands since then, and I am really excited about the Nikon Zf -- but haven't bought one yet. Here are a few ideas that could pull me over to Canon...

1) Lots of lenses in a vintage styling

2) Compact primes f/2 or faster -- absolute image quality isn't most important

3) Okay, here is the big one: I would like to see a best-in-class viewfinder. Like driving a Cadillac. The appeal of the film SLR's was how beautiful and big the viewfinders are. DSLR viewfinders weren't as nice without the replacement focusing screens. I really wish the EVF's had an image as beautiful as through the ground glass viewfinders, too. But -- my point here is, go big.

4) Nikon chose not to include 5:4 aspect ratio in the Zf (and many other mirrorless cameras). For me, 5:4 is indispensable. I'm a wedding photographer and it's the best aspect ratio for shooting vertical portraits of two people. Very important feature! This is the main thing keeping me from buying a Zf. For now I'm on a D810.

5) Lastly, least importantly, I like the styling of the Nikon Non-AI, AI, and AI-S lenses over the styling of the old Canon FD mount lenses. I think the black AE-1, A-1, and F-1 are beautiful cameras but if you could find a way to make some retro lenses but a little more attractive, that would take this to the next level!

Do whatever you have to do to make the design of the camera and lenses really attractive. DSLR cameras have been very unappealing for me to use and carry for a long time. Investment in getting good designers in this area will pay dividends for you.

Thank you!!!!! For getting me into photography and the years of good memories. In a way, your company helped to give me the career that I have today.
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I don't care much about styling. Just give me a compact, fixed lens 35mm or 50mm f/2 FF60MP camera with simple controls -- and the shutter speed up top. Style it stealthy and beautiful. Mark the lens' depth of field on the outside, where I can see it without looking in the EVF. In other words, make a Leica Q3 with a normal focal length (35-50mm) and fill it with Canon technology (the modern AF and sensor that Leica lacks). If Canon does that, I will buy it sight unseen.
I'd love to see them do both at some point. I like your idea though.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
…no battery percentage on the full frame R8! Sorry, thats a pro feature!
I suspect that’s due to the use of the LP-E17 battery. to me, the R5 has a save setting feature you can save to a card or so. The NEWER r62 doesn't have it.
Before the R5 and R3, only 1-series cameras had it. My 1D X did. Canon pushed that feature down to select lower-tier R-series bodies. AF point-linked spot metering, not so much (but mirrorless mitigates that need, for me at least).
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R5, C70
Mar 12, 2019
Whatever the design, I'm sure it'll look good if they make it - I just hope they don't cripple it so hard that there's no reason to use it. I would love to see the R5 sensor in a retro body, WITH IBIS, though I wouldn't be too upset about smaller batteries even though it'd be nice to get the full LP-E6NH. Something about a retro body makes me nostalgic and makes me want to go out and make art. If it doesn't have that effect on everyone, that's cool! I also appreciate the more covert shooting, as people would think it's a film camera, at least until they got a lot closer (or if you had a white lens attached), putting you at less risk for theft, and it also makes people act more natural in my experience.
I don't know, I believe that's wishfull thinking. Many people know that Fujifilm cameras are relatively expensive despite their retro look.
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Back in the day, I owned a Canon F1 New and the finger grip on the right side was pretty good as far as comfort goes, at least for me. It doesn't beat the R5 which I currently own, but it was plenty sufficient. I also own and still shoot a Canon P and I like its compact portability. There is something about it that makes it a pleasure to use. I could go for either option in a Retro version.
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David - Sydney

Canon Rumors Premium
Dec 7, 2014
I am feeling so young in the group today! (I'm 55).
Can't imagine a body with less friendly ergonomics that Canon has today and is renowed for.
With 12 current R mount bodies (R6 is still available and excluding non-hybrid bodies), does anyone need another one?
Except.... maybe 4 others:
- a M200 style/no EVF
- an astro-mod body (R6iia?)
- R5ii
- R1
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