Canon S100 to be released in December in Japan



Just answering my own question from a previous post.

Was flicking through a Japanese photo mag (Asahi Camera) in a bookstore whilst waiting for a train today and there was a big ad/small review of the S100. They put the release date in Japan down for December 2011, no specific date, no info on price. Hopefully around the 35'000 yen mark, I'll be getting one soon.


Found out the release date is December 8th in Japan. Initial price is a whopping 55'000 yen at BIC camera, Yodobashi camera and the other big chains. In smaller stores like Fujiyacamera it's 48'000 yen, on the best price is 45'000 yen for delivery from a place called Fuijiya.

The S95 is now going for 28'000 yen though...
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