Cine Gear Expo 2014 in Los Angeles

Canon Rumors Guy

Canon EOS 40D
Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 20, 2010
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We’re heading to Los Angeles next weekend for the 18th annual Cine Gear Expo. Since we missed the NAB 2014 show in Las Vegas, we figured this was going to be the next best thing. We hope to add some good cinema coverage over the two days we’ll be covering the show. It’s not a show that gets product announcements from Canon, but there should be lots of cinema products worth knowing about.</p>
<p>The show runs from June 4, 2014 until June 7, 2014 at The Studios at Paramount.</p>
<p><strong>About Cine Gear Expo

</strong>Cine Gear Expo, in its 18th year, is the premier Film, Video, and Digital Media Expo for the entertainment industry.</p>
<p>Created by the professional for the professional, Cine Gear Expo remains focused to the needs of the community and attracts the most dedicated specialists from every major department of the entertainment production and post production world.</p>
<p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Visit the Cine Gear Expo Website</a></strong></p>
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