Coming Home to Nikon “ The story behind the story”

Hi "mackguyver" — It is not important how I was able to find this particular post as much as it is for me to correct allot of misinformation. From my perspective, this was somebody playing games by spewing disinformation and making outrageous assumptions without a clue as to the "story behind the story.” I can tell you there wasn’t a picoliter of truth in what was written. In addition, the person(s) writing those posts showed no respect, and, as is typically me, I stood up to correct the “dribble.” So-called experts often possess more data than judgment. Perhaps a more sophisticated and honest diagnosis of the “metadata” would have been more appropriate before making loose suppositions.
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Hi canon1dxman — there is no “relationship” between Canon USA “Explorers Of Light” with any other similar Canon type program presented globally. However, I can assure you that both Canon Europe and Australian programs were, in fact, replicated using my original concept, which was stated in announcing their programs. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
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Wow, what an interesting thread.

Thanks for jumping in Captain Explorer! Since you have had the privilege of knowing so many talented folks...

FWIW, I've enjoyed the work of Nevada Wier for years. Do you know her or have you seen her work? She does a lot of teaching, workshops and maybe some Canon work. (She's shot Canon a long time.) She travels all the time all over the world and is very interesting to listen to.
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Hi Jack.
I like that phrase, a good one to live by!
Dad had a similar saying, I don't know the origin, but very sage advice.
"Be careful who you step on on the way up, you will have to pass them on the way back down!"
Another that he used was
"If a problem has a solution there is no need to worry, if it doesn't have a solution there is no need to worry!"

Cheers Graham.

Jack Douglas said:
Really good lesson here for all - keep your mouth shut if you don't know what you're talking about. None of us is immune to jumping to conclusions - I try regularly to remind myself that pulling someone down doesn't elevate me. :(

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Artie Morris is still involved with the Canon Explorers of Light program, Canon sponsored seminars given by Artie just this year.
I've met and taken classes with Seth and Jeff multiple times, they ARE charismatic (Seth), brusque (Jeff) and mildly comedic as a team when together.
Oh yeah, and they know their business backwards and forwards.
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Captain Explorer said:
Hi "mackguyver" — It is not important how I was able to find this particular post as much as it is for me to correct allot of misinformation. From my perspective, this was somebody playing games by spewing disinformation and making outrageous assumptions without a clue as to the "story behind the story.” I can tell you there wasn’t a picoliter of truth in what was written. In addition, the person(s) writing those posts showed no respect, and, as is typically me, I stood up to correct the “dribble.” So-called experts often possess more data than judgment. Perhaps a more sophisticated and honest diagnosis of the “metadata” would have been more appropriate before making loose suppositions.

and who precisley you are talking about?

what does not contain "a pictoliter of truth"?
the article from seth resnick i quoted?

i guess you adress the people here at the forum who made jokes about seth "not be good enough" etc.

sorry my english is not that good and it´s damn hot here today.... so my brain runs a bit slow today.
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privatebydesign said:
RustyTheGeek said:
CR should come up with some kind of way to host photographers of this caliber from time to time.

Video, Blog, or whatever. I think it would be cool and really set CR apart from (and above) other rumor sites.

Absolutely agree with that idea.

Maybe the CR "Powers That Be" could impose on our new member, Captain Explorer to contact a few of his favorites and offer them some kind of incentive. 8)
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