EOS 5DS DSR Firmware update wishlist

Eldar said:
I find the 5DSR to be a very capable camera, so there is not that much I´d like to add. But I have two requests:

1: Give me ISO25600 and 51200. ISO12800 is so good that I am certain I could live with two stops more in some situations.

2: Metering to follow AF point. To have metering locked to the center is a bit irritating, but not a big deal, when you photograph slow or still subjects, since you have time to measure and recompose. But when you have things moving in and out of shade and all over the frame, that metering functionality would help a lot.

The other things I´d like to change are mechanical. Where support for different focusing screens top off the list, followed by getting rid of the bloody useless SD card. I have also been in more and more situations where a tillable LCD screen would have been most helpful.

Hi Eldar
Interesting how different we can all be.

Higher ISO, agreed
Metering to follow AF point is a good suggestion
Not bothered about different focusing screens hate the dust problem this creates
SD cards have benefits sometimes I'm happy to retain
Definitely Don't want a tiltable LCD screen, I use a cheap 760D sometimes and its parked like a fixed screen

The 5DS has become my mainstream camera many of the fears around the 50MP sensor have proven unfounded in practise but technique does need to change to get the best out of it. Its not an action camera (it can be used in some situations) but for everything else the reward is pin sharp images that you can crop without fear.
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jeffa4444 said:
Eldar said:
I find the 5DSR to be a very capable camera, so there is not that much I´d like to add. But I have two requests:

1: Give me ISO25600 and 51200. ISO12800 is so good that I am certain I could live with two stops more in some situations.

2: Metering to follow AF point. To have metering locked to the center is a bit irritating, but not a big deal, when you photograph slow or still subjects, since you have time to measure and recompose. But when you have things moving in and out of shade and all over the frame, that metering functionality would help a lot.

The other things I´d like to change are mechanical. Where support for different focusing screens top off the list, followed by getting rid of the bloody useless SD card. I have also been in more and more situations where a tillable LCD screen would have been most helpful.

Hi Eldar
Interesting how different we can all be.

Higher ISO, agreed
Metering to follow AF point is a good suggestion
Not bothered about different focusing screens hate the dust problem this creates
SD cards have benefits sometimes I'm happy to retain
Definitely Don't want a tiltable LCD screen, I use a cheap 760D sometimes and its parked like a fixed screen

The 5DS has become my mainstream camera many of the fears around the 50MP sensor have proven unfounded in practise but technique does need to change to get the best out of it. Its not an action camera (it can be used in some situations) but for everything else the reward is pin sharp images that you can crop without fear.
To elaborate; If you had a collection of high quality Zeiss glass, I am sure you would have liked to have the option to use high precision focusing screens. Dust has never been an issue for me. But currently, changing focusing screens are a cumbersome job and I only have one custom made screen.

My reason for not liking the SD cards is that they are mechanically weak. I have just experienced another card falling apart, which is quite annoying. I have never ever had any issues with a CF card.

I use the 5DSR for macro, landscape and nature, in addition to birds, wildlife, portraits and pretty much anything I do. Very often I end up with a very low viewing position and I don´t like lying on my belly in mud, if it can be avoided. A tilted screen would solve that. In addition to that, in a portrait situation, when I often use Zeiss glass, my experience is that I connect better with my model when I have my head above the camera and achieve eye contact (like a Hasselblad with a waste level finder). With a tillable screen, I can easily focus with live view and get that connection.
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fentiger said:
Eldar why don't you have a look at the camranger, it works well with my 1D4, should work with the 5Dsr
I have looked at it and I may get one. However, it is even more gadgets in an already over filled bag and for many shooting situations, such as when you have to move the camera to keep up with a moving insect, it is not very useful, unless you have at least three arms. A solid tilted screen, with a good locking mechanism would solve my need.
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Freddell said:
Sorry, should have published the test results..
very surprising numbers..

Full Autofocus Single Point (center) AF:

1DXmkII 0.085 second
5DmkIII 0.120 second
1DX 0.129 second
7DmkI 0.131 second
7DmkII 0.249 second
5Ds 0.268 second
6D 0.290 second


I respect the imaging resource but using a Sigma lens on the cameras invalidates any meaning full testing.

From personal experience some third party lenses perform better on certain bodies. Third party lenses are reverse engineered to work with cameras that are available at the time. Canon releases a brand new body and things can be completely different. Hence the Sigma dock and Tamron Tap in Console being made.

I've owned a 1DX, 5D3 and currently the 5DSr and the focusing is faster than the 5D3 on the 5DSr with the 1DX taking the lead. I shoot 50 weddings a year so consider it a good enough sample.
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