How to light for Fast Action at night...

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fishing x photography
Apr 4, 2012
Tampa, FL
I am doing some shoots tonight with some friends, we are going to capture the moment that a Tarpon eats our bait, and then shoots out of the water. Here is an example of what I am talking about:

Main difference, will be that ours is at night. This behavior is very common with these type of fish, especially when they get hooked. So my question is what lighting would be recommended to get a decent exposure. In most cases the fish are 20-30 feet away, so my 2 600EX's are not very handy here, possibly a spotlight? I have 1 assistant on the boat that can give me help with this lighting. The camera + lens being used is the 5D Mark III and 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II. I got a few hours to run to a local dive shop (spotlight?) or to my local photog shop if anyone has any suggestions.

Thanks so much for any and every bit of help!
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