If you could build your own DLSR...


Minnesota Nice

How would you go about doing it? What special features would it have? What would you name it, for fun obviously.

Here is my dream DSLR (probably no where in the near future but man just think about it makes me giddy)

Canon EOS 4D (Just because there isn't one yet)

Price: Not sure, I'll let you be the judge, in a perfect world it would be around 1,000 bucks, but that's not going to happen haha.


4K video recording
High video framerate (max probably around 120~)
Dual/Triple Digic V (Probably would need more processing power pushing that much data for video)
Dual CF (XQD?) card slots
Full Frame Sensor (good for photos too)
Adjustable audio like the 60D


Resolution ~20MP give or take 4 is fine with me
Average burst rate, 8fps is honestly fast enough for me
Good number of focus points, at least 20 cross type
100% coverage viewfinder


I like all the port options on the 1D x, so those would be nice
I'd like to not have a vertical grip, more shaped like the 5D Mk II
Lastly I'd really really like a weather sealed, durable body. (unlike my 60D)

As you can see, I'm into filming video, but I like photography equally. So having the best of both would be awesome.