Interview with Canon Executives at CP+

Mt Spokane Photography said:
True, but when I go into Costco, more and more of the low priced TV sets are 4k, down into the under $500 level
now. They may not be wonderful, but they claim 4K.

Many cheaper "4K" TV sets on sale are actually "UHD" (3840 x 2160 and not the full 4096 x 2160). But playing the video is the simplest part. A 4K video workflow is still not cheap - besides the monitor people should check the storage required for high-quality video files, and the processing power required to edit them. Then there's the issue to stream them if not stored locally.

Sky here just started to offer "HD" contents for its "on demand" service (aka streaming), and sometimes the connection speed is not enough to cope - widespread fiber coverage won't be available until 2020 - despite this being a wealthy area, the large number of detached houses makes deploying fiber expensive for the telcos - so they wait for government subsidies. Sure, people are buying "4K" TVs because the prices are low enough, but it will take some time to exploit them fully. Just like it happened with true HD contents.
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AvTvM said:
nothing but the usual Canon exec blather ... a total waste of time interviewing those Racial slur removed by Mod

AvTvM said:
reported to moderator. one of many totally off topic personal attacks. incessant cyber-bullying and mobbing. hope you get banned for some time, @canonfanboy.'

Let me get this straight... You insult an entire ethnic group with a racial slur, then someone writes a humorous little poem about you, and you cry 'cyber bullying'?!? If anyone deserves a ban, it's you – for your hatred and bigotry. If I ever posted something like that (not that I ever would), I'd delete my account from shame...but here you are, complaining about how you feel 'personally attacked' after you attack an entire race. You deserve whatever you get here for your racial insensitivity. With no apologies, you're a pathetic ass and despicable human being.
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Orangutan said:
AvTvM said:
Neuro, reported as well, incessant attacks at me personally. Always off-topic. Cyber bully.

Neuro is often more caustic and snarky than I think is useful, but I've never seen ad hominem attacks from him. Perhaps you could link to some examples to demonstrate.

Perhaps we could have an entire section just for these he said/she said things, kind of like the proposed professional Cycling league where doping is allowed.

Just kidding but I am just astounded at the pot calling the kettle black issue here. Wow. And..... after that racial slur towards folks of Japanese descent. Wow. I wish we could be civil. But humans basically suck.
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Ryan P said:
njene said:
eguzowski said:
"But it is important to keep in mind that we don’t want to harm the original inherent concept of these products. 4K should compliment, rather than hinder." -Canon


My iPhone 6 plus (last generation) just shot awesome 4k for over an hour without a hiccup? LOL iPhone that cossets under $1k shoot 4k video (no time limit) has a lens, a computer, apps, wifi, email, browser, huge touch screen etc etc is better than the latest generation Canon $2k DSLR in terms of photo/video performance....sad and transparent excuse (BTW they have no problem sticking more MP and marketing it in their cameras) Thanks Sony, Panasonic and Sigma for "doing your job" and appeasing the demand of the market!

You know your little iphone sensor is about the size of your baby finger thumbnail?
While phones in general produce pretty great quality images considering, they cant hold a candle to a dslr or mirrorless when it comes to high level quality

Are you sure about that? See the link below for a comparison of the iPhone 7+ and the $50K RED Weapon. If you have good light, the small sensor can be a blessing.
With all due respects this is a nonsense comparison, you could equally use an iPhone 5 and the iPhone 7+ and at the resolution shown on YouTube make them look identical.
The iPhone is NOT comparable to the Red Weapon 6K and nor is it as flexible. If you add the slightest of VFX it would fall apart, it certainly would not stack-up on a 4K monitor even showing as HD. In broadcast given the compression issues you would see the difference easily broadcasters stipulate minimum requirements for a reason. Sorry its the wrong example.
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I think that CANON doesn't have the required CPU and CMOS to handle heat properly in consumer level. What do I mean by that? I think that consumers have to get an idiot-proof camera, where everything happens. We all know that heat is a major problem for Canon at the moment. Even from the manual of 5D4 it is obvious.
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jeffa4444 said:
Ryan P said:
njene said:
eguzowski said:
"But it is important to keep in mind that we don’t want to harm the original inherent concept of these products. 4K should compliment, rather than hinder." -Canon


My iPhone 6 plus (last generation) just shot awesome 4k for over an hour without a hiccup? LOL iPhone that cossets under $1k shoot 4k video (no time limit) has a lens, a computer, apps, wifi, email, browser, huge touch screen etc etc is better than the latest generation Canon $2k DSLR in terms of photo/video performance....sad and transparent excuse (BTW they have no problem sticking more MP and marketing it in their cameras) Thanks Sony, Panasonic and Sigma for "doing your job" and appeasing the demand of the market!

You know your little iphone sensor is about the size of your baby finger thumbnail?
While phones in general produce pretty great quality images considering, they cant hold a candle to a dslr or mirrorless when it comes to high level quality

Are you sure about that? See the link below for a comparison of the iPhone 7+ and the $50K RED Weapon. If you have good light, the small sensor can be a blessing.
With all due respects this is a nonsense comparison, you could equally use an iPhone 5 and the iPhone 7+ and at the resolution shown on YouTube make them look identical.
The iPhone is NOT comparable to the Red Weapon 6K and nor is it as flexible. If you add the slightest of VFX it would fall apart, it certainly would not stack-up on a 4K monitor even showing as HD. In broadcast given the compression issues you would see the difference easily broadcasters stipulate minimum requirements for a reason. Sorry its the wrong example.

I'm not sure how the resolution on YouTube is a factor, as the comparison video is in 4K. Granted YouTube video is heavily compressed, but YouTube viewership will soon eclipse U.S. TV viewership ( so YouTube is a reasonable target medium. This video at 5K/60P on YouTube shows just how detailed YouTube can be.

The iPhone 7+ (when increasing the bitrate to 100Mbit with Filmic pro) is shockingly clear—even on a 4K monitor. Obviously, the files will not be very flexible (although log recording is coming), but it is a great option in circumstances where a large camera is not feasible.
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Diko said:
I think that CANON doesn't have the required CPU and CMOS to handle heat properly in consumer level. What do I mean by that? I think that consumers have to get an idiot-proof camera, where everything happens. We all know that heat is a major problem for Canon at the moment. Even from the manual of 5D4 it is obvious.

totally agree with that.

for the XC10, canon had to include fans and a vented case.

that would simply not be practical for a DSLR.
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Diko said:
I think that CANON doesn't have the required CPU and CMOS to handle heat properly in consumer level. What do I mean by that? I think that consumers have to get an idiot-proof camera, where everything happens. We all know that heat is a major problem for Canon at the moment. Even from the manual of 5D4 it is obvious.

I agree, Canon actually mentioned heat as one of their biggest challenges with the C300 Mark II!
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dak723 said:
goldenhusky said:
I guess there are people from all parts of the world here in this forum. Aren't 4k TVs predominant in most places on the earth with the exception of some markets in Asia and Africa? I saw a stat that said in 2016 alone there were more than 48 million 4K TVs sold across the globe. I could not get the break up by market though. So I guess there are not enough 4K displays is a lame argument at this point. Anyone who have numbers broken by markets please let me know.

Figures I was able to find (from mid-2016) projected that by the end of 2016 4K TVs would be in approx. 15% of US households. They project that by the end of 2019, 4K TVs will be in 50% of US households. So, while 4K TV sales are actually higher than projected a couple years ago, it will still be another couple years until 4K TVs are predominant.

even though 4k tv's are pretty cheap, 1080p smart tv's are even cheaper (half the price) and for most people are perfectly fine.

I airbnb to south and central america alot. I have never seen a 4k tv in any place, hotel,etc. I still see listings with old CRT tube tv's. Frequently.

then you have youtube,etc .. yes, 4k is there, but what are the devices it's running on? most are 720 or 1080p. smartphones and tablets,etc.

there was alot of talk that moving people up to 4K was a dud for the tv suppliers, and that 4K may be skipped all together. There may be some truth in that.

also to add .. anywhere south of here, it's remarkable to see a tv screen greater than 32"
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rrcphoto said:
Diko said:
I think that CANON doesn't have the required CPU and CMOS to handle heat properly in consumer level. What do I mean by that? I think that consumers have to get an idiot-proof camera, where everything happens. We all know that heat is a major problem for Canon at the moment. Even from the manual of 5D4 it is obvious.

totally agree with that.

for the XC10, canon had to include fans and a vented case.

that would simply not be practical for a DSLR.

@Diko, not just Canon.

They could have taken Sony's a7 approach and just let the camera overheat and shut down... Or the Nikon D5 approach and limited 4K recording time to 3 min clips.
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One thing that Canon seem to favour is deciding on behalf of the client what quality the client will accept. The first example I cam across was putting a Kenko 1.4 extender on my 70-300 f5.6 and finding that AF was hesitant at best and hunted interminably at worst. Canon took the view that the AF is either reliable or it is not so their tcs have software that blocks AF if it detects and effective f8 or greater - whether you prefer to have the option is irrelevant to Canon, Canon decided it wasn't good enough to be reliable so they blocked it.
That seems to a consistent factor in their design in that they would rather not incorporate a function than put it in and risk getting get poor comments. Sometimes they may well take this approach too far and I suspect that (and I say 'suspect' because I don't shoot video so a relying on internet hearsay) be 4K and overheating in the Sony and my guess is Canon would rather limit the film time or install a more basic video functionality than put one out that is unreliable.
Whether you agree Canon have put enough effort into designing the video (or certain other functions) is a different issue - my point is that they will not install what is for them a half-baked functionality merely to satisfy the specification-hungry technofreaks.
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Mikehit said:
One thing that Canon seem to favour is deciding on behalf of the client what quality the client will accept. The first example I cam across was putting a Kenko 1.4 extender on my 70-300 f5.6 and finding that AF was hesitant at best and hunted interminably at worst. Canon took the view that the AF is either reliable or it is not so their tcs have software that blocks AF if it detects and effective f8 or greater - whether you prefer to have the option is irrelevant to Canon, Canon decided it wasn't good enough to be reliable so they blocked it.

Totally agree. Another example is f/8 AF on the 1D X. Previous 1-series bodies had it, but the completely re-designed AF sensor in 1D X did launch. There was a clamor from users that wanted the feature, and it was added via firmware. Since it's really a hardware function, it was there all along in the 1D X, but Canon likely hadn't thoroughly tested it for acceptable quality. They did so, then added the feature.
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neuroanatomist said:
rrcphoto said:
Diko said:
I think that CANON doesn't have the required CPU and CMOS to handle heat properly in consumer level. What do I mean by that? I think that consumers have to get an idiot-proof camera, where everything happens. We all know that heat is a major problem for Canon at the moment. Even from the manual of 5D4 it is obvious.

totally agree with that.

for the XC10, canon had to include fans and a vented case.

that would simply not be practical for a DSLR.

@Diko, not just Canon.

They could have taken Sony's a7 approach and just let the camera overheat and shut down... Or the Nikon D5 approach and limited 4K recording time to 3 min clips.

except that's bad engineering, electronics MTBF decreases by half every 10C of ambient temperature.
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