Is Scotch tape the answer to your Canon EOS R5 overheating issues?


Canon 5Ds
Jul 26, 2011
Yep. That's what gets me about this entire controversy. Stuff was totally unavailable before. Now, because it's somewhat available, but not unlimited, the only camera that provides it at all is unusable crap? That is indeed spoiled child behavior.

Over sampled, HQ, full sensor width 4k30 and 4k60 has been around for a while. Just not in an R body from Canon. And people understand that without a fan you're going to have thermal record limits. But nothing else on the market...nothing else...has 2 hour cool down times.
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Sep 17, 2014
The problem is not that you cannot record 30 minutes of 4K120P or 60P, the real problem is you cannot record 4K30P HQ for 30 minutes or cannot record 2 consecutive 20 minute clips because the camera won't let you.

Sometimes won't even let you record 20 minutes if you had the camera switched on on stand-by.

There was a wildlife photographer who shoot some stills, not a minute of video and then wanted to record some 4K30P HQ video and the camera only let him record 5 minutes.
Only able to record 5 minutes of 4K video is not really acceptable for a $4000 camera.

The only 4K mode you can really depend on is the 4K 30P (probably line skipped) standard mode, which is good but not the best quality.
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Canon 5Ds
Jul 26, 2011
So by what moral right do you decide you will make it a hobby to "bash Canon" just because they won't give you what you think you're entitled to?

By what moral right do people come to these threads and bash those complaining about thermal limits which render a product unfit for its advertised purpose? Is it really horrendously unfair to complain about this or to petition Canon to improve it?
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Are you suggesting a 3-4 thousand dollar service fee and redesign/modification of a stills camera that only costs that much as a solution instead of just buying a dedicated video camera or second body?! Why are you all so obsessed with this? The R5 is an amazing camera that never bricks with 4k30 and still can shoot ultra quality for light duty. The VAST majority of people complaining don't seem to presently own equipment that can do what it does, and they get by, yet somehow it is not enough. I also notice many, perhaps most of them don't really need the HQ they want it, and they don't really need to shoot stills of the quality it can, they are vloggers and whatnot. Never watched a vlog (I try to avoid them) that would be better with ultra resolution. I think people are upset at the controversy itself, perhaps they identify with the things they buy or something.

I find these arbitrary lines of acceptable people are drawing for the R5/6 amusing- always with the conclusion that something is wrong and the cameras must be changed. Why is 4KHQ ok, but 4K30 standard is apparently unusable garbage? Compared to many other cameras the 4K30 from R5 looks quite competitive. Sharpened it looks very good. It may not be as good but it is at least mid market and coming from an amazing stills camera (maybe the best out right now) and is the best hybrid full frame that has been put out by anyone (unless you can settle for 12MP stills or even more out of date cropped 4k30). Some Hollywood movies and TV shows were shot on the 5D2, reportedly it overheated, but the results were still amazing and people worked with what was the best possible tech at the time. Should they never show those episodes of House MD again, or sections of the movie Iron Man because that camera was imperfect?

Why are you not all ranting and raving at the 30 minute record limit and focusing like a laser on the limitations on HQ and 8K? I'm far more irritated with that than any real physical limitations engineering teams had to work with, and yet I still don't care, I can work with reality and adapt just fine, or I can buy another camera or brand (which I have done when a Canon doesn't fit).

In a year, will it be the next Canon model that is a failure because it only has 8K60 standard and not 8K60 HQ? Will you look back on 4K30 or 4KHQ and say it is utter garbage that you cannot believe anyone ever used? Just wondering, are you all also over in the Sony or Nikon forums beating them up for their failures?
Something is good at the moment does not we don't ask for more. Also, on all my words, posts in this forum, and especially about R5, I have never use the word "garbage" ,yet. Don't put your word or any others' word to my mouth, thanks.
The reason I hope for 4k60 instead of 4k30 because I already have 4k30, I don't spend on a big upgrade for small improvement of what I need, emphasize again, "what I need" not what you or anyone need. R5/R6 got what I expect, but then overheating issue emerges.
The biggest conflict here is that you think "it's good enough, accept it" while I think "almost perfect, and something unclear about this overheating stuff, there are still room for improvement".
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Aug 27, 2019
Sometimes won't even let you record 20 minutes if you had the camera switched on on stand-by.

If the Camera is truly in stand-by you will not have any issues, you can leave it in stand-by all day and it will not get warm or cut into your record time. I have left my R5 on for hours with EVF shut off after 3mins and sleep after 5mins and it always gives me full time. Turn off this and yeah the grip will warm up and you will start to cut into there record time of the higher modes.
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2 x 5D IV
Feb 26, 2017
ohh no I'm one of those very successful college drop outs.... got a lot of them master degree friends tho who are all broke... So tell me this tho browski, You are a "micro electronics master" the furtest thing from an artist, and im a senior Artist, so who are you to tell me what camera i need exactly?
apologies for Jumping in, but so far, I have seen you engaging in forum discussions that have nothing to do with art. They are all highly technical subjects that require advanced understanding of law of physics, thermo dynamics or electronic design. Some of your statements are technically controversial to put it mildly. I have no doubt that you may be a fine artist. That very well may be. But could you please do yourself And CR forum a huge favour: stop this endless complain. It is counterproductive, irritating, tiresome and silly. There are much better suited places for all of these silliness.

here is what you said:

”... I dont have it yet, so ill keep bashing Canon untill I do easy as that...”

so, You do not own any Canon gear and the Sole purpose of your existence on CR forum is to bash Canon technology, create disruption, flood forum with unwarranted complains about Highly technical subjects, that you have no even a slight idea about. thats Trolling by definition.
you are not here to learn or share knowledge. your contribution to CR community has not been great so far.
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R5, 1DX Mk II, 5D Mk IV, four 90D's
Sep 8, 2016
Why should I share it?

What kind of expertise in thermal engineering do you have to make such a claim?

Do you realize that temperature is pretty capable of degrading electronics over time, and timers may be necessary to protect the camera aginst such degradation during its projected lifetime?

And where's your engineering degree to affirm Canon's approach? I may be an amateur in electronics engineering (even though I've designed my fair share of circuits), but I know business. Crippling one tier of product to protect another is a textbook play. We can't say for certain that's what happened here but there's evidence pointing in that direction. When there's measurable, reproducable evidence, I, personally, need more to justify my purchase than blind faith in a multinational corporation. They need to address it, not just to satisfy me personally but for PR overall. Canon has never faced stiffer competition than now and outside of the bubble of this website, a lot of previously loyal Canon enthusiasts and professionals are jumping ship.

In any case, the speed at which I wear out my components via heat cycling is my choice since it's my device. If I want to wear it out in a year, I should be able to do that, just as when I choose to overclock my PC's and run laps with my car at 130mph on the track. These too reduce the usable lifespan of the product but I'm not prevented from doing so.

Again, more evidence is needed and there's no justification for outrage yet, but at this point it's indisputable that calling it "overheating" is a misnomer at best as these lockouts are demonstrably not due to realtime measurement of heat.

All that said, when the R5 works, it's incredible.

Edit: I just saw in another post you have a masters in microelectronics so I have struck my first sentence. Fair enough.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Sep 2, 2019
By what moral right do people come to these threads and bash those complaining about thermal limits which render a product unfit for its advertised purpose? Is it really horrendously unfair to complain about this or to petition Canon to improve it?

YOU, sir, are being relatively rational; the man I was responding to had a totally irrational attitude of entitlement.
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IMO, this thread has played itself out.
Yep, the moment we reduce the thread to expletives it has played out. I get frustration, I get that people are trying to ensure information is presented fairly. I get that I am human and have flaws, but please those few try to not get it to the point where we are swearing at each other....
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The argument that no other camera has these high bit rate modes, or no Canon camera did until 3 weeks ago or you you don’t need 8k unless you are shooting video professionally and/or need an 8k tv are really not valid points for me.

People buy higher resolution sensors for stills. Until the r5 if you wanted in excess of 30MP your only choice was the 5ds/r range (I have one). Can the 5ds do wildlife? Sure it can, and many threads have shown people with more talent than I in capturing these. But until 3 weeks ago, I could not own a camera from Canon with a very competitive AF system, fast fps and maybe their best high res sensor.

Shooting in the best resolution for stills is a natural thing to do. It is not the only option. Shooting in high bit rate video and high res modes is the same. It gives you flexibility in post edit. I still have photos from a 10d which I reprocess all these years later to improve the quality. In 10 years time, I might be able to do the same with 8k video and might even have a 8k tv. Who knows. But given the chance I will always capture in the highest quality and accept the implications of doing so. You’re needs may be different.

I shoot stills mainly, and not professionally. It’s my spare time that I enjoy photography along with travel. Capturing short video clips is something I like to do. Not for professional reasons. Give me a camera with better quality video (subjective) and I would like to use them.

With my r5 I am working out how to maximise the chance of doing that. I’m hindsight, maybe I could have guessed that stills might impact the high bitrate modes when Canon issued the recording times. Would it have stopped me buying it? Unlikely. Could I have guessed the cool down times? Unlikely. Did those 2 things result in me returning the r5? No. The more I have used it, the more I will definitely keep it. But those 2 things do disappoint me, and maybe I am being unfair to Canon. They are not the first company to market something with a footnote, nor to shine a bright light to differentiate when the reality isn’t quite there.

But I also hope people here appreciate that until you reach that understanding of those limitations and compare it to all the positives, it’s quite a human thing to share those frustrations here. Not everyone does of course. It’s just venting like you may do after a rubbish day at work...

Oh and I have read that focus stacking only uses the electronic shutter and is thus limited to 0.5 s exposure max. I doubt that is a bug, but it is a little strange as I understand that isn’t on other Canons which have it. I might add that to my list to post to Canon support. Not a deal breaker, you can always do it manually but I still prefer to use AEB to manually bracketing...
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Canon Rumors Premium
Sep 2, 2019
The argument that no other camera has these high bit rate modes, or no Canon camera did until 3 weeks ago or you you don’t need 8k unless you are shooting video professionally and/or need an 8k tv are really not valid points for me.

My issue is with those who denigrate the entire camera as worthless because the new modes are not unlimited. And with those who assume the limits were placed for malicious reasons.
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In summary:

There is never an OVERHEATING issue. It is a SOFTWARE limitation. Canon cheated us. Hopefully canon fixes this with a firmware update.
This link should say it all about the overheating issue

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My issue is with those who denigrate the entire camera as worthless because the new modes are not unlimited. And with those who assume the limits were placed for malicious reasons.
I understand. I think any stills shooters should just hire it for a day, or if they have a friendly dealer and the funds, then go try it there.
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