KatzEye Focusing Screen

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Harley said:
Additionally you can email Rachael at the website's "contact us" page. She was extremely helpful to me through the entire process. Drizzt321: you should ask them about the 5D mkII even though they don't show a specific product on the website.

I asked them sometime earlier this year, and the answer was no, they didn't have one for the 5Dm2.

Mt Spokane Photography said:
Autofocus is not affected, but manual focus may require some shims under the screen if it is not perfect without them. Be aware that shims are often required with 5D focus screens and may be for others. Brightscreen will supply a shim for your 5D along with the screen.

Brightscreen is where i'g go for a 3rd party screen, but there are other companies like Katzeye or haoda.



Yea, I've seen these, but I'm still kind of shying from them. Maybe I should just bite the bullet because I'm going to be buying another lens or two in mid/late Dec, and $200 isn't all that much really for a screen. The thing I'm worried about is missing the auto-focus spots. Anyone have one of the Brightscreen #5's for the Canon 5Dm2? Do the auto-focus spots still light up well?
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For you 5DmkII folks, as wickidwombat already mentioned, you can buy a genuine Canon focusing screen for your camera, though it doesn't have the split prism.. But it is signiiiiiificantly cheaper!

(one example):


Would you say the "OptiBrite"'d matte area of the screen shows focus better than the original 7D focusing screen? Or is it about the same? If you happen to remember.. I have pretty much convinced myself the OptiBrite is the way to go, but I was just curious.. : D
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Jul 19, 2011
@underjammer: I would say the matte portion of the OptiBrite screen shows focus much better than the factory focusing screen. That visual "pop" into focus happens more clearly and abruptly. It definitely beneficial when you're shooting wide open with a very fast lens -- I have an easier time getting then shallow depth of field focused in the right spot without relying on live view.
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underjammer said:
For you 5DmkII folks, as wickidwombat already mentioned, you can buy a genuine Canon focusing screen for your camera, though it doesn't have the split prism.. But it is signiiiiiificantly cheaper!
But the point is we (or at least I) want a split prism. You're suggestiong a replacement for something that isn't actually a replacement. It's like saying to get a 24-70 instead of a 70-200.

The suggestion is appreciated, but not exactly the same thing.
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Awesome! Thanks! : D Sounds like the OptiBrite is definitely the way to go, then! Cool!

Ryusui - Gotcha, gotcha, I hear you.. It isn't the same thing, that's for sure. : ( Have you tried it, by chance? I can imagine tight portraits or macro work being easy with it, but maybe broader subject shots being more ambiguous, but really I have no idea.. Maybe Canon is like "eh.. you can change your screen out, so here's one for a very specific use.. don't forget to take it out when you're done!" It's a shame they don't have a split prism and/or microprism. They are both always helpful.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
Harley said:
Ryusui said:
I really would like to know why the 5D is left out in the cold here. Canon has the split and cross-split screens available for both the 1D and 1Ds. So it's obviously not a full-frame issue.
I'd like to understand that, too.

I suppose it's one more way of differentiating the 'pro' line from the 'prosumer' line. The 5DII has two other focsuing screens available, the 1DsIII has 7 or 8, including a set that mask alternate aspect ratios (e.g. 4x5).
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neuroanatomist said:
Harley said:
Ryusui said:
I really would like to know why the 5D is left out in the cold here. Canon has the split and cross-split screens available for both the 1D and 1Ds. So it's obviously not a full-frame issue.
I'd like to understand that, too.

I suppose it's one more way of differentiating the 'pro' line from the 'prosumer' line. The 5DII has two other focsuing screens available, the 1DsIII has 7 or 8, including a set that mask alternate aspect ratios (e.g. 4x5).
Yea, that's kind of what I figured. And I guess unfortunately not a lot of people are clammoring to get these other screens for their 5D or 7D so it wouldn't make any difference to their bottom line to open them up to the prosumer market. Oh well...just another reason for me to move to the 1D X when it releases.
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