Large fishing spider I found in the house

Don Haines

Beware of cats with laser eyes!
Jun 3, 2012
Wow, I am speechless... Great capture!
I put the photo on full screen then called my wife to come in the room :) Her reaction was priceless! I know, how infantile ...
I am tempted to print the picture and put it on the door of my workshop..... just the thought that it might be in there would protect my tools :)
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I think this should be 1080x1080, if not my apologies- posting from mobile. Long story short, found this gorgeous Dolomedes tenebrosus in our house. Relocated to the heated garage so it can overwinter :)

5D IV, MP-E 65mm, MT-24EX

1/200, ISO200, f/11, flash heads at 1/4 each.

View attachment 182312
Nice. But looking so scary. I got scared.
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It's all about the little things.
Aug 30, 2014
Very nice shot, Drainpipe!
Thanks Click! Much appreciated.

Handsome devil!
I thought so too. The coloration and pattern on these is really nice. Perfect camo in grass.

What a great shot!
Thanks Don!

Wow, I am speechless... Great capture!
I put the photo on full screen then called my wife to come in the room :) Her reaction was priceless! I know, how infantile ...
Ha! These guys do illicit a reaction much of the time :)

I am tempted to print the picture and put it on the door of my workshop..... just the thought that it might be in there would protect my tools :)
I love having these guys around. They’re very efficient at what they do, and will keep other pests at bay.

Nice. But looking so scary. I got scared.
Thank you! If it makes any difference they’re pretty docile. I was able to hand hold this one for posing. It’s actually sitting on my phone screen!
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