Minnesota kid looking for a photographer mentor

Alright I don't really know how to go about this but I'm going to give it a try. First of all I'm not really a kid I'm 27 and I live in Minnesota. I really love photography and cameras(starting to collect ;D)and I want to get into it more. Basically what I'm looking for is how possible it is for someone in my situation to shadow or be mentored by a professional photographer? Does something like this exist? Photography started when I found a camera in a rental car when I 18 and detailing the cars. The person never came back for the camera so I adopted it. It was an Olympus 2mp point and shoot. That's where it all began and now I've been photographing real things but not many. I did one wedding and some portrait stuff for a few people. I really enjoyed doing both. I now have another wedding coming up in september so this prompted me to see if I can learn more about this craft. I am by no means a professional and I don't know if I will be but I sure like photography more than the car buisness. I just would love a chance to learn more by spending time with a professional or something like that. I practice different things that I see on the Internet and read a lot but I'm much more hands on and visual learner. That's my silly little rant I just want to learn more and become better. Im really enjoying this canon rumors site. Thanks!!
I'd suggest creating a online portfolio of your best work. Flikr is OK. Be brutal and only put the best of the best on it.
Then show it around to photographers, contact photography schools and ask the teachers for tips, expect to work for little or nothing, and to do a lot of the grunt work.
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@MinnesotaNice yes I live in Dayton which if most aren't familiar I'm 10 minutes or less(no traffic) from maple grove. I've always been doing grunt work and or working for little to nothing but I've gotten pretty far in life doing so. I just want to learn a lot more on top of what I know to gain more confidence about shooting, because I love it so much! And I am thankful I have a close friend that loves photography as much as me if not more but she's usually been busy with work and life so I've been missing out.
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I'm not a pro (although I've sold some pics) and I'm definitely a one trick pony--sports. That being said, I shoot a bike race in Plymouth every 2 weeks on Tuesday nights and would be more than happy to have you tag along and I can teach you what I know.

(Haha--that'd give me 2 "apprentices". How many apprentices does it take to make a pro? ;D)

Drop me an IM if you're interested.
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Kennephoto, I also live in Minnesota, at least when I am home (I travel for most of my asignments). I'm about 15 minutes west of Dayton, in fact.
I've been a pro for more than 30 years (actually started when I was still in my teens) and would love to share what I have learned. Of course, you, being young and enthusiastic, might teach me at least as much.
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kennephoto said:
Haha that's awesome, I can't wait. June was the first time I went in 4 years ever since they moved it from the caribou coffee off shady oak road. It's gotten way way bigger!

It's huge! I almost got run over by a Yellow Murcielago last month haha.

What body/lens will you be shooting with? (If you are bringing a camera)
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kennephoto said:
I don't know if a mucelago could run you over I think it would scoop you up and barrel roll you over top of it!! I will bring my 50D and 17-55 2.8 more than likely, or my little 17-85 if i wanna go light. What about you, what are you shooting cars with?

A 60D, with either a 55-250 or a Rokinon 35mm F/1.4
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kennephoto said:
How do you like the rokinon? I've been thinking about getting something like that.

It's built like a tank, I'll tell you that.

I personally love all of their lenses because I shoot a lot of video and the manual focus is extremely smooth. Plus the manual aperture ring is the only reasonable way to adjust exposure while filming (Like going from inside to outside.)

So pros:
Great optics, really sharp and handles CA fairly well
Focus ring is smooth and weighted perfectly
Metal mount

Aperture ring darkens viewfinder as you get a smaller aperture, not too big a deal
All manual, ideal for video but you can use it for stills just like a regular MF lens but I grew up in the age of autofocus haha
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kennephoto said:
Well this is awesome! Wow 15 minutes from Dayton that's cool! Jhpeterson what do you shoot as a pro? And Minnesota nice, you going to cars and coffee August 4th? I am!!
I shoot primarily boats. Get to travel about the country doing it. I'm on the East Coast right now and will be in Illinois on the 4th, so I won't get to cars and coffee. But, I should be in Minnesota for most of August and September. I'll look to catch up with you then.
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