More negative press for Canon

Jun 27, 2013
It seems like Canon has been funding Climate change deniers while projecting itself as enviormentally "friendly". Just when they didnt need anymore negative press here is one more skeleton from Canon's clauset.
The most significant ‘bad press’ for Canon lately is that from 2020 to 2021 their global ILC market share dropped (slightly, but the first drop in years). Even that is countered by the more recent data that from 2021 to 2022, Canon overtook Sony as the #1 MILC brand in Japan.

As with many (most?) large companies, Canon funds independent research entities, likely in large part for the tax benefit. Most likely, Canon will address the situation (sure, the think tank is 'independent', but if the funding agency points out a problem with one of the researchers and suggests funding might be withdrawn, the independent organization will comply). Alternatively, Canon can simply say that the research they fund is independent but the statements by one of the researchers are contrary to Canon's beliefs, and use the situation as evidence that they do, in fact, fund independent research.

The title you chose for your post is interesting, "More negative press..." Are your referring to the 3rd party lens 'problem' that really isn't one except in the minds of a few forum dwellers, or something else? Regardless, this 'negative press' is fundamentally meaningless.

Consider all the negative press around ExxonMobil and the environment...
Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 9.12.14 AM.png

Then look at their share price for the past couple of years...
Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 9.11.15 AM.png
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A Director of the Institute, Dr Taishi Sugiyama, was exposed a year ago by the Guardian (a quality left-of-centre UK newspaper) to be a promoter of extremist views and he is still in place.

Reading more about him, it seems he believes it economically unrealistic and too expensive for Japan to reach its low emission targets.
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