ND filters



I'm trying to get myself few filters mainly the ND grad and the standard full stop ND. Where could i found any of these in melbourne. couldn't find it in camera house and teds. Michael would cost me a fortune as their price is crazy.

Where else could i find these filters?

ianhar said:
I'm trying to get myself few filters mainly the ND grad and the standard full stop ND. Where could i found any of these in melbourne. couldn't find it in camera house and teds. Michael would cost me a fortune as their price is crazy.

Where else could i find these filters?


I don't know about Oz, but I always order from Amazon (or any of their partners), I have a 1 stop, 3 stop, and 10 stop filter. All are B&W (very good optics) and the 77mm versions sell for < USD 100.
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yeah.. i thought about buying from amazon or bhphoto but it would be more easier if i could buy it directly in store as i'm not a fan of delivering pieces of glass. it might break and have to file for refund or resend. that will cost me a lot of time waiting.
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ianhar said:
yeah.. i thought about buying from amazon or bhphoto but it would be more easier if i could buy it directly in store as i'm not a fan of delivering pieces of glass. it might break and have to file for refund or resend. that will cost me a lot of time waiting.

I have ordered 6 L sieries lenses and about 10 filters and have never had a problem. Once, in 12 years, I had a problem with something from Amazon (DVD was lost in the mail), as soon as I raised the issue, they over-nighted me a new copy. Filters are very unlikely to be damaged, they are already in a protective case, then the protective filling in the box. I would not worry about it.
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ianhar said:
yeah.. i thought about buying from amazon or bhphoto but it would be more easier if i could buy it directly in store as i'm not a fan of delivering pieces of glass. it might break and have to file for refund or resend. that will cost me a lot of time waiting.

I've had a different experience with amazon. They shipped me a tiny macro lens in a box that would be fitting for a 500mm lens. I got the box and the lens was bouncing around all over the box (along with a handful of air packets). The lens cap was off, and it didn't fit correctly.

I don't have any experiences with B&H, but I can't imagine it would be worse.
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Chewy734 said:
ianhar said:
yeah.. i thought about buying from amazon or bhphoto but it would be more easier if i could buy it directly in store as i'm not a fan of delivering pieces of glass. it might break and have to file for refund or resend. that will cost me a lot of time waiting.

I've had a different experience with amazon. They shipped me a tiny macro lens in a box that would be fitting for a 500mm lens. I got the box and the lens was bouncing around all over the box (along with a handful of air packets). The lens cap was off, and it didn't fit correctly.

I don't have any experiences with B&H, but I can't imagine it would be worse.

Personally, I've had no problems with Amazon, B&H, Calumet, etc... Plus the lack of sales tax, albeit states are trying to crack down on that, is a big plus for expensives lenses.
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I've ordered over 7 different filters from B&H over the past year. Each has come wrapped in air pockets and packed firmly in a large box, and I've never had a problem with them getting here or being broken. I'd also put together a large filter order if you were going to do so - combined shipping and they'll band the boxes together which makes the shipping have less impact on the items bouncing around.

Amazon deals with hundreds of sub-contracting companies that sell through Amazon. Everyone should be wary of ordering from Amazon because it's basically an eBay without the bidding component. However, as long as you know who you are dealing with and they have a good track record, I wouldn't worry about it.

Be aware of the warranty limitations when shipping lenses and cameras - some will have to be sent back to the US if they fail during the warranty period.

Also, if you are worried about tax/customs duties - you only pay them on goods/items shipped in one box that totals over $1000. It doesn't matter about the country of origin or the weight, dimensions or contents - with the vital exceptions of anything that could be charged sin tax (alcohol, cigs and obviously drugs) or is illegal - no shipping depleted uranium rods through the post - they get upset.
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I have included a Reource list for buying ND filters in my Guide to ND filters published at http://www.redbubble.com/people/peterh111/journal/4421304-the-ultimate-easy-guide-to-neutral-density-filters, but I can say that all filters I've bought from B&H in the USA (I am in Sydney) are extremely well-packaged, as are the filters I get from DDP in North Sydney. If you want Lee filters, then Geoff at Mediavision in Gladesville is your man (details in my guide).
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Thanks for the replies guys :)
I might give it a go and buy from amazon if i still couldnt find the filters anywhere near

Thanks peter hill for the info. Will look at it soon at home

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ianhar said:
Thanks for the replies guys :)
I might give it a go and buy from amazon if i still couldnt find the filters anywhere near

Thanks peter hill for the info. Will look at it soon at home


Just wondering if anyone has had any luck sourcing a 8-10 stop ND filter / black glass in Melbourne recently. - I am off to Tassie in a couple of weeks and have left it too late to source a filter from overseas...
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recon photography said:
check this place http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au/category827_1.htm
prices are out outrageous so i think im going to buy from b and h but at least they have some stock by the looks of it

Did you mean this one:
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Peter Hill said:
I have included a Reource list for buying ND filters in my Guide to ND filters published at http://www.redbubble.com/people/peterh111/journal/4421304-the-ultimate-easy-guide-to-neutral-density-filters, but I can say that all filters I've bought from B&H in the USA (I am in Sydney) are extremely well-packaged, as are the filters I get from DDP in North Sydney. If you want Lee filters, then Geoff at Mediavision in Gladesville is your man (details in my guide).

Amazing guide...thanks for sharing mate.
I gave it a fast look, seems great, full of nice advice!
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Peter Hill said:
I have included a Reource list for buying ND filters in my Guide to ND filters published at http://www.redbubble.com/people/peterh111/journal/4421304-the-ultimate-easy-guide-to-neutral-density-filters, but I can say that all filters I've bought from B&H in the USA (I am in Sydney) are extremely well-packaged, as are the filters I get from DDP in North Sydney. If you want Lee filters, then Geoff at Mediavision in Gladesville is your man (details in my guide).

Great guide, thanks for posting!

One thing to add - Schneider Optics (parent company of B+W) now has an 82mm 10-stop ND, it's in the Schneider line (not B+W like the 77mm and smaller), it's Stock # 68-043082, and in the US the only distributor offering them seems to be 2filter.com, not B&H or Adorama (price is $226).

Mine was just delivered on Friday, haven't had a chance to use it yet. I'm looking forward to using it on my TS-E 24mm II and 16-35mm II.
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neuroanatomist said:
Great guide, thanks for posting!

One thing to add - Schneider Optics (parent company of B+W) now has an 82mm 10-stop ND, it's in the Schneider line (not B+W like the 77mm and smaller), it's Stock # 68-043082, and in the US the only distributor offering them seems to be 2filter.com, not B&H or Adorama (price is $226).

Mine was just delivered on Friday, haven't had a chance to use it yet. I'm looking forward to using it on my TS-E 24mm II and 16-35mm II.

Speaking of ND filters...Dr Brain, how do you find the LCW variable ND filter?
I read quite some good reviews about it and sincerely I'd love to have such ability to change the stops in one filter.
How's the quality in your opinion (or from the opinion of who uses it/has it)?

I'd love to buy one variable ND, just one and then adapt it to my other lenses with the variable filter adapters (u know 77mm-->82mm)
or to buy 2 or 3 fixed ND filters and same, adapt it with the stepping up filters

what your thoughts aboiut it?
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I like the idea of variable ND filters, but don't have one, myself. I think the optical quality is decent, perhaps not quite up to the level of a B+W single filter, but fine in real-world performance.

The issue I have with variND filters is the artifact at wider than 24mm (FF-equivalent). You get a Maltese cross at UWA focal lengths, a derivative of the uneven polarization at wide angles with a CPL (because a variND is essentially stacked polarizers).
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I heard nothing but excellent things about the Singh Ray VariND. It allows a range of 2 to 8 stops and the quality appears to be excellent.

However it seems difficult to find (at least in Europe) and costs around $340 (77mm), $390 (77mm thin mount), $490 (82mm). Ouch !!!!!!

Love to have one though...
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Does anyone have experience buying one set of larger filters such as 82mm (I have a 16-35mm f/2.8 II) and some step-up rings to fit lenses with smaller diameters? Any problems such as excessive vignetting?

Also, how much better is the image quality from a single ND filter versus stacking one or more filters to get the desired density?
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I have a couple of step-up rings (67mm and 72mm up to 77mm). No issues with vignetting. One problem is that, with rare exceptions, a step-up ring and larger filter precludes use of the lens hood, meaning less contrast, more flare, and less protection. They also tend to get stuck, so have a set of filter wrenches.
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neuroanatomist said:
I have a couple of step-up rings (67mm and 72mm up to 77mm). No issues with vignetting. One problem is that, with rare exceptions, a step-up ring and larger filter precludes use of the lens hood, meaning less contrast, more flare, and less protection. They also tend to get stuck, so have a set of filter wrenches.

Thanks, good to know.
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