Post photos of other photographers in action

Me in action last year in the equatorial rain forest of Uganda visiting the mountain gorilla


or these ones during safari:


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candyman said:
Nice photos François. The first one looks like you are doing a bodyresearch ;D
And what a nice white lens


That lens is the 600II with 1.4x

I don't knew what I should being researching according to you, but the Parisian next to me, was there with her mum, and I was completely focused on this nice girl :)

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I like this because it shows the impatience of the digital era. These photographers were leaving the parking lot of Le Parc Des Felins, a French wild cat zoo. The park was closing so they had to pull just outside the parking lot gate, but then pulled over immediately to get out a computer and compare images. Hilarious!

I took a photo of them out the window of my rental car with my point and shoot camera at that time (2009), which was a Canon A1000 (my first digital camera).


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