Powershot G5X mark II status?


Engineer/Photo hack/Lens Addict
I've been in the market for G5X II. Anyone hear anything about when it's coming back? Is it coming back? Should I just bite the bullet and look at used? I reached out to Canon USA, they were no help at all.

So frustrating, I tolorate my M6 II, but I need something smaller when I travel and I HATE using my cell phone.
Amazon appears to have the G5X II in stock. B&H doesn’t at this point. I got mine in 2019 shortly after it came out. It replaced my G7X II, and was a worthwhile upgrade. I took 3,000 pictures with it during my travels before the pandemic shut things down. I considered getting an M50 instead, but decided to stick with one that would fit in my jacket or pants pocket. The quality is surprisingly good. I use it whenever it is not worth lugging around my 6D2 or Fujifilm GFX 100s and lenses. When I travel, I try not to let taking pictures get in the way of my seeing and doing things on the trip. Limiting photo equipment helps with that, even though I do wind up taking a lot of pictures.
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What didn't you like about the G7x?
I liked it fine. I still have it as a backup. There are 13" x 19" framed pictures taken with that camera on my walls. I liked the pictures well enough to pay almost $100 each for custom framing. My G7X is the Mark II. The day I landed in Rome, I went out to take pictures and grabbed the G7X II out of my bag instead of the new camera, and the shots came out great.

The G5X Mark II had just enough improvement over my 7 that I thought it worth an upgrade. The lens is a little better and zooms a bit farther. It can shoot 4K video. There are several other little things I can't recall now. It was not a major move, but I had the money and was about to head for over a month in Europe, mostly Italy. I don't shoot much video, and for travel pictures I miss having something wider than 24mm much more often than a longer lens would come in handy.

The G7X III came out about the same time, but it seemed aimed more toward things I don't do, so the 5 was a better fit for me if I upgraded.
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A friend had rented a G5X II to take on a trip to France a couple years ago. He liked it for travel, so he tried to buy one. Eventually he did find one in stock somewhere some months back.

I was in Norway and England for four weeks in July and August. My G5X II did great. I did have the realization after I got home that I could have used the super wide-angle lens on my iPhone in those situations where the 24mm equivalent of the Canon was not wide enough, rather than shooting to stitch after getting home. It just didn't occur to me to use the phone camera except when I didn't have the Canon along. There's a term for that kind of rigid habitual thinking, but I don't recall it.

I didn't take an exceptional number of pictures on the trip, but mostly just enjoyed seeing and doing things, which is the point of my leaving the 6D2 and the GFX 100S and lenses at home. The train ride across Norway was spectacular, but I didn't try to capture much of it. My favorite picture was taken from a boat on a fjord, showing somewhat the atmospheric qualities of the day. I think I'll make a big print of it. G5X II shots hold up well at 13" x 19".

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