Prime lenses you currently own or on your wishlist.



Hi all, i currently own a canon 50mm f1.8.. It feels more like a toy but i love it as it produces excellent images. However, there are a few prime lenses that i wish to have such as:

50mm f1.4 - an upgrade from the f1.8
24mm f1.4 L ii - for group or landscape

Yes, some of us prefer zoom lenses due to several factors such as versatility or maybe even economically - a factor that i really focus on :)

Please share what prime lenses you currently own and why you love them :D and what are the lenses you would like to have... it would greatly help me to understand more about the power of prime lenses :D

Hi there "259lzNaj" (quite a use name you got there!). The choice of lens and focal lenght really depends on your need. That said, as an avid amateur here (am no expert) I fell in love with prime lens for three main reasons:

1- In most cases I found the image quality to be far superior to an equivalent zoom;
2- low light capability - you will find that prime lens usually have wider aperture than zoom lens
3- Shot composition - being an amateur and not a pro, I personally found it easier for me to focus on the picture at hand when I dont need to worry about zooming in a picture. If I shoot 50mm, then I need to set my brain to see the image with a 50mm mindset. I found this helped me a lot.

You will find in my signature that I am a big fan of prime with the one I have. From your question, the 50mm 1.4 is an excellent lens (I owned one) and so is the 24L which I dont yet have. Again it depends on your needs. I almost got the 24L but decided to get a 35mm 1.4L instead because it was more suited to my needs (groups portraits inside when space is limited - if not I use the 50mm or the 85mm).

The 24 is definitively on my wish and so is the wonderful 100L macro lens... What do you plan to use the lens for?
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Hi JR, yes...i really lack creativity when it comes to usernames :D

Thanks for the helpful insights... I totally agree with your points... I just wish i have the funds to get all the prime lenses that i want... :D

I am not a pro too but i really like the 24 with f1.4. Also, i could use it for travelling and take pictures of whole family with beautiful landmarks or landscapes visible in the background. Again i agree with you with regards to personal needs..
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Regarding the 24mm, which body are you using? FF or APS-C? On a FF the 24mm can be tricky when taking people picture as if you are too close it can create some effect (distort a bit the face feature for example) that you may or may not want. This is why I went for a 35mm on my FF 5D.

However if you have an APS-C body like a 7D or 60D, then I would pick the 24 for that purpose for sure over the 35mm...
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there's no macro zoom lens yet. so if you need/want 1x magnification (or more ->mp-e 65mm) you have go for a prime lens.
that's why i got the 100L. it's a fantastic lens.
one other reason is price. normal range primes a usually cheaper and at equivalent apartures as good as zooms.
I don't have any ef primes except for the 100 macro. however my two M42 mount lenses are very fun to use and i got both of them and an adapter for less than 20 bucks.
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For my main camera, the 5D MkII, the only lenses I own are the 24L MkII, the Zeiss 2/50 Makro-planar, and the 135L. I used to have many more lenses, both zoom and prime. Occasionally I'll rent something else, but for the most part, these 3 lenses are all I need. Frequently, I won't even carry all three with me when I'm out doing something. I've found that instead of limiting my photos, it's actually made my photos better, as now it's easier to visualize the shot in my head before ever even raising the camera to my eye.

I shoot mostly landscapes and events. Landscapes are easy with prime lenses, just move to where you need to be. Events are easy too, since the fast apertures are very nice, even with flash (which I always use at events), since fast lenses can get photos where the flash effect is subtle.

The makro-planar is only a half-size macro lens, but that's fine with me because I do not shoot macro photos. I use the lens because of it's great sharpness, flat focal plane, and lack of distortion, all of which are great for landscape photos. I also shoot the occasional product photo -- and the macro lens is great for this too.

I could ramble on all day, but this basically just boils down to my shooting style, and what works for me personally, like has already been said.

The nice thing I've discovered with Canon's prime lens lineup, though, is that there are no bad eggs.
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When I bought my 5DII the first lenses I picked up were the 24-70 f/2.8 and the 16-35 f/2.8 II. A few months later I found a great deal on a 35L and 50L and bought both. The sharpness is far superior to the zooms, low light performance is ridiculously good, and the bokeh is beautiful.

After that I bought the 100mm L Macro, the 85L, and the 135L, all of which are awesome lenses. I ended up selling the 100 Macro (which I kinda regret now).

I've also owned the 50mm f/1.4 and the 85mm f/1.8, which were both amazing lenses for the money. You can get either for around $350 and both perform as well as $1k+ zooms.

Currently Own: 35L, 50L, 85L, 135L
Previously Owned: 50 1.4, 85 1.8, 100L Macro
Wishlist: 14L, 24L
Dream: 200 f/2L IS

With all of that being said, I think I'm going to swap out everything for Zeiss glass soon, as I shoot video mainly and dont have much need for autofocus.
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When I got back into photography after more than a 30 year break, I started with zooms. The 16-35 II, 70-200 II and the 24-105. I got an amazing deal on a 135L. I was astounded by the sharpness of this lens. I was hooked, time to add primes to the bag. I got the 100L macro, 35L and recently the 85L II - the trinity was complete. Things then got out of hand and because I'm an avid bird photographer, I added the 400 5.6 about six months ago and recently a 500 f4 IS. My next prime addition will be the 24L II or the Zeiss 21 f2.8 - can't decide.
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259IzNaj said:
Please share what prime lenses you currently own and why you love them

TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II - great for architecture and landscapes
EF 35mm f/1.4L USM - nighttime walkaround lens and indoor ambient shooting
MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro - there just isn't another lens like this one!
EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM - quintessential portrait lens
EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM - great general purpose macro lens, decent for portraits, too
EF 135mm f/2L USM - wonderful for tight portraits and for action shooting

259IzNaj said:
and what are the lenses you would like to have...

500mm f/4L IS II :D But I think the 1D X is going to come first...
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photophreek said:
When I got back into photography after more than a 30 year break, I started with zooms. The 16-35 II, 70-200 II and the 24-105. I got an amazing deal on a 135L. I was astounded by the sharpness of this lens. I was hooked, time to add primes to the bag. I got the 100L macro, 35L and recently the 85L II - the trinity was complete. Things then got out of hand and because I'm an avid bird photographer, I added the 400 5.6 about six months ago and recently a 500 f4 IS. My next prime addition will be the 24L II or the Zeiss 21 f2.8 - can't decide.

I've heard nothing but great things about ALL of the Zeiss stuff. All I know is I LOVE my 50L, but I was super impressed when trying out the Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 (which is less than 1/2 the price of my 50). I'm debating switching most of my glass out (since Zeiss stuff is without question better for video).

I'm trying to remind myself that I can always buy the L lenses again if I end up not being happy with the switch, I never thought I could be so attached to gear...
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I've debated about the 50L many times and looked closely at the 50 1.4 Planar. I shot weddings for years with Hasselblad and Zeiss optics, so I'm very familiar with Zeiss. I'm nervous about the 50L and just started looking at Zeiss. I keep thinking that the 50L will be the 85L II in a different FL, but, regrettably, the 50L is not. Guess it's time to rent the 50L and see what it does. One other prime I will be purchasing when the 5D 3 appears is the 24 TS-E II.

The 500 Mk II was on the list, but the cost was really too much. After using/testing the 500 Mk I for a few weeks, I'm glad and lucky I found such a clean/mint Mk I. "Big whites" need some planning and preparation before heading out to shoot. The 500 Mk II has to drop in price quite a bit b/4 I add it to my big bag.
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photophreek said:
I've debated about the 50L many times and looked closely at the 50 1.4 Planar. I shot weddings for years with Hasselblad and Zeiss optics, so I'm very familiar with Zeiss. I'm nervous about the 50L and just started looking at Zeiss. I keep thinking that the 50L will be the 85L II in a different FL, but, regrettably, the 50L is not. Guess it's time to rent the 50L and see what it does. One other prime I will be purchasing when the 5D 3 appears is the 24 TS-E II.

I'm a little confused, you said you thought that the 50L would be the 85L II at a different focal length, but the 50L is not (which would lead me to believe you tested it and were disappointed). But then you said it's time to rent and see what it does, did you get the Zeiss and the 50L mixed up?

My 50L can get just as sharp as my 85L II, but I think the 85 is tack sharp more consistently, but I love both of them. The Zeiss glass just seems to produce a different look, it's hard to say whether it's actually better than the L stuff. I'm about to go to the camera shop and shoot some sample footage on the Zeiss primes.
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259IzNaj said:
Please share what prime lenses you currently own and why you love them :D

I have a 50mm F1.4
I love this lens for portraits (using a crop-camera Canon 7D). Beautiful bokeh. And, good in situations with less light or where flash is not allowed

and what are the lenses you would like to have

I would like to have a Canon 85mm F1.8
The 85mm lens I will also use for making portraits. However this lens will help me to make more close-up photos where I don't need to push the lens into their faces (I know about alternatives but they are currently not in the budget)

(but I have to wait for this lens since I will purchase my new sportslens first)
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codewizpt said:
I currently have (FF):
35mm f2 (indors)
50mm f1.4 (outdors and portrait)

Wish I had 80mm f1.2 and a macro prime (no matter the focal distance)

If funds are an issue... get the non-L 100f2.8 Macro. It is as sharp as the L, I still miss mine. A good MINT copy can be had on ebay for about $460, which is a bargain, when you consider, it takes nice portraits too.
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Hi there, new kid (from the Netherlands) on the block. ;D

Used to have film Minolta AF (the original 7000AF), got back in photography thru Sony 717, Minolta 5d and 7d (how appropriate!). Two years ago I got a 50D, now looking at getting a used 5D Classic and contemplating eventually to maybe buy a used 7D.

I have for primes an EF 50 1.4 and an EF 85 1.8, and I lust after the 135L and would love a TS24 and 100 macro.
Apart from the primes I also own a few zooms: a 17-40, a 24-105 and the first incarnation of the 70-200.


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Only one prime, the TS 24 (Mk1). All else is zoom (24-105, 70-200 4 IS, 100-400 --- and a 28-135 that I need to sell). I shoot on both FF and crop (5D classic and its little brother, the 30D)

My current modest wish list:

50 1.4
100 L Macro

I could easily add to that list, but funds are always a consideration.
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I must admit I didn't think I would become a prime fan, but after getting the sig 85 1.4, my next 3 planned purchases are all primes.

Samyang 14mm (because its just so much sharper than the 17-40L in the corners, wider and I don't need AF in a 14mm landscape lens. Manual aperture is also actually a benefit to me in a landscape lens.)
135L. I have been toying with the idea of the 70-200 IS II because of the reviews, but have to keep reminding myself why I didn't get the Mk I in the first place - basically weight. I have a hard time believing it would actually be as nice as the 135L, but the size and weight are the killers.
17mm TS-E. OK, more of a dream, but maybe I can convince myself. Naa. Not going to make money out of this hobby, I can't see it happening. Maybe a Zeiss 18mm instead, perhaps even before the 135L if the Samyang works out.

Unlike some, I do like having all the focal lengths I can. Zooming with my feet is not an option because it changes perspective. I imagine the result I want, choose my point of view and perspective and then choose the focal length to get the framing I want (or a bit more with a view to cropping slightly).
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50mm F/1.2
17mm TS-E

I need to borrow the one 50mm f/1.2 we have at work to see how it does on my 5Dm2 compared to what I have (16-35 & 85mm f/1.8 ). I've only used it on the 50D .

And I would buy the 50mm f/1.2 used from a co-worker. But, I will probably get the 17mm TS-E first.
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