R5 30-minute cutoff

I bought my R5 mainly for stills. Recently, I've also started using it to record discussions that last longer than 30 minutes. At the 30-minute mark, the camera stops recording video and I have to jump up and press the record button to continue recording. Is there a system update that solves this problem? If not, is there a more recent pro-level Canon that does not do this?
Thanks. I'll look into the R5C. Would I be sacrificing anything re. still photography, especially birds and landscapes, with the R5C? I can't afford two R5's, so I would need to sell my R5 and acquire an R5C to do both stills and video. I would need excellent eye focus for both birds and people, especially since I use the RF85mm f1.2L for videoing people and video wide open at f1.2
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Canon Rumors Premium
Sep 17, 2010
Am I wrong that a number of newer bodies can record longer than 30 min?

For example, the R6II is listed as 6 hr record time vs the R6 at 29 min 59 sec on TDP (look under "movie length")

Also, a quick search and I found this list of recording limits of various cameras. It aligns with TDP and my general understanding.

Unfortunately, the R5 was one of the last Canon bodies to be limited.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
Uh oh! I see the R5C has no IBIS. Since I do a lot of bird shooting handheld with my RF zoom at 500mm, I need all the image stabilization I can get, so no IBIS in the R5C is a show-stopper for me, sadly. I wonder if the R5II will have both IBIS and no 30-minute limit.
IBIS is providing very little benefit at 500mm, if any. See how the blue line is pretty much at zero for telephoto?


If you'd cited stabilization for indoor static shots (e.g. architectural interiors in places where tripods are not allowed), that would make sense. But any stabilization you're getting at 500mm is from the lens.

Canon doesn't let you easily test that, since you can't deactivate lens IS and IBIS separately, turning off IS on the lens also turns off IBIS. But IIRC, you can set the camera to release the shutter with no lens attached and unlock the lens (i.e. give it a very slight turn as if you were removing it), and IBIS will remain active but lens IS won't (neither will AF, aperture setting, etc.). Or you can just believe Canon's viewpoint on the matter, pictured above.

One relevant data point – the RF 100-500L is rated for 5-stops of IS on the EOS R (which lacks IBIS) and 6-stops on the R5 with IBIS. That's the same as the RF 70-200mm, but I honestly don't know how Canon specifies IS performance. The standard states that it's up to the manufacturer, so that doesn't necessarily mean 6 stops at 500mm.
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Jan 22, 2023
Ich benutze sowohl den R5 als auch den R5C. Ich habe den R5C wegen mehrerer bevorstehender großer Reisen gekauft, weil ich hier auch Filme machen möchte und vor allem Kameras brauche, die Regen und Schnee standhalten können.

Die beiden Kameras sind in gewisser Weise sehr unterschiedlich.
Das größte Problem mit dem R5C ist die Akkulaufzeit, die etwa 35-45 Minuten beträgt. Das bedeutet also, dass Sie eine externe Stromquelle für Interviews benötigen, was in Innenräumen kein Problem ist. Wenn Sie sich jedoch für diese Lösung entscheiden, können Sie auch einen externen Recorder wie den Ninja V oder V+ verwenden, der deutlich billiger ist und daher deutlich billigere Speichermedien verfügbar ist.

Bessere Codecs stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung und der vollständige Sensor wird immer in das gewünschte Format konvertiert, was eine deutlich bessere Videoqualität bedeutet.

Sie haben jedoch nicht 3 Benutzereinstellungen wie C1, C2 und C3 im Videomodus, so dass Sie immer die gewünschte Einstellung auswählen müssen.

Die verschiedenen Tieraugenfokuss sind auch nur im Fotoformat und nicht im Video verfügbar.

Darüber hinaus müssen Sie wirklich zwischen den beiden Systemen (Foto/Video) wechseln und wichtige Sekunden vergehen vor dem Neustart. Was ich am R5 liebe, ist, dass alles, was ich beim Fotografieren tun muss, der Videomodus ist und die Kamera sofort die Einstellung des C3-Videomodus auswählt und es geht weg. Ich habe hier immer die Zeitlupenaufnahmen und Sie können die Tierwelt sofort filmen.

Meiner Meinung nach sind dies die wichtigsten Unterschiede für die Entscheidungsfindung.

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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 21, 2010
Am I wrong that a number of newer bodies can record longer than 30 min?

For example, the R6II is listed as 6 hr record time vs the R6 at 29 min 59 sec on TDP (look under "movie length")
Correct, and the R8 has a 2 hour limit (probably due to the smaller battery). Still, if @KirkD doesn't need 4K video, the R8 would be a relatively inexpensive option.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Jul 14, 2018
If the R6II did away with the 30-minute limitation, then I think I'll wait until the R5II is released, as it may also do away with this limitation. If not, then maybe I'd have to go with the R6II in addition to my R5.
We'd hope to see at least the full specs of the R5II in the next couple of months - so if you can wait that long (and obviously then until it is delivered into the hands of mere mortal buyers), it would seem sensible.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Feb 25, 2015
The Netherlands
Correct, and the R8 has a 2 hour limit (probably due to the smaller battery). Still, if @KirkD doesn't need 4K video, the R8 would be a relatively inexpensive option.
Did you mean 8K? the R8 has great oversampled 4K, even doing 60fps, which the R5 can only do in the 1.6x crop mode.

The R8 and R6II also allow USB PD charging in more situations, so an R8+powerbank can get you a lot of video footage. It does heat up, though, so outdoors during summer will start showing overheat warnings.
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