R6 beginners video


Canon Rumors Premium
Aug 27, 2018
I've started using my R6 to take video of my daughters dancing/singing on stage (they have many performances, so after I get all the stills I want, I sometimes I do video to document the show for family viewing). I don't want to get too deep into video, but I do want to grab any low hanging fruit available to me to get better than full-auto video. Like in stills, I guess some people must actually shoot straight to JPEG but pick settings to get it done pretty well in camera by tweaking modes like Portrait or Landscape. For video, I'm sure most of you shoot CLog...I want to avoid that if possible and be like a JPEG stills shooter who uses the camera presents...but for video. The challenge is mostly due to stage lighting.

For stills, I spot meter and underexpose by about 1 stop to avoid blowing out the skin tones. Processing the raw files is then pretty easy after I get the first image done the settings carry over very well to everything else. Ballpark is to increase exposure 1 stop, pull down highlights to -50, boost shadows to +50 and go from there. I tried a similar approach using Lightroom to edit video (because it's all I had at the time) but found the same settings didn't work that well and I couldn't push and pull things very far before they look totally distorted.

I did just download the free version of Resolve, so I won't be limited to editing video in Lightroom...that might help with the post processing...I hope. Mostly I want to avoid color grading which seems necessary of you shoot Clog. But I'm a total beginner and don't know what I don't know.

Any help is appreciated.