Second Body Investment

Hello All!

So I have the opportunity to get a 6D or 7D MKII and am a bit torn between them. I currently shoot with a 70D and I need a second body. I am not too concerned with high ISO for my general photography. That being said, I have a few weddings coming up this year and low light is a must.

The question is do I get a 7D MKII and rent a 6D/5DMKIII for events or do I get a 6D and have a Full Frame on hand for whenever it may be needed.

An alternative to this is that I get another 70D as a backup, rent both the FF body and the glass for weddings and try to get more glass with the remaining amount of money. (However, there are few FL options remaining given the 1.6 crop factor)

One issue that I anticipate is that I don’t have the glass for events (24-70 or 70-200) on a FF. So I can get the FF but will be left renting the glass when needed (which is fine but does add overhead).

I really want to put this money in a good place (glass is not an option) what body do you think would be the best investment?

Current gear is as follows:
70D | 10-22, 17-55, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8
Get the 6D

Or, better yet, the 5D MK III. There's no point in getting another crop body.
I bought one of these and never looked back.
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I'd suggest a 5D Classic as well, they are available for under $300. Then add the 24-70L.

The original 5D takes wonderful images, and they look good at ISO 1600 or even 3200. I used mine as a backup with my 70-200 at our local Home School play, and just set the ISO to 3200 and left it there. Exposures were right on, and colors were excellent.


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The 7D2 is tempting, but you didn't mention sports or action as a primary subject matter. I'd go for the 6D.

Feature-wise, the 6D may seem like a step backwards. The FPS, the AF system, and the video AF mode aren't as advanced as the 70D. But, then, you have the 70D when you need these features.

The benefit advantages of 7D2 offers FPS, AF, and a tank-like build. How important are these features? The 70D is no slouch in the action department, so if it is satisfying your needs with action photography, then the 7D2 gives you little extra benefit.

The 6D will give you full frame benefits that you can't get with crop. This includes higher useful ISO (which means faster shutter speeds and/or smaller apertures), more useful range with 70-200 zooms (YMMV), smaller DOF options (this is huge), sharper images, and greater color depth. If you are looking for a body to compliment your 70D and help round out your system, the 6D is the better choice. My bet is that it would become your primary body with the 70D your backup.
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My advice may differ somewhat from others but get a full frame 35mm film camera. The Canon Elan 7NE, 7N and 7E are all great film cameras that use EF lenses just like those for your 70D. Shoot the wedding using Kodak Portra film and Push Kodak Tri-x two stops to 1600. Your result will be legendary wedding photos not matched by digital. You can buy these cameras in great condition for around $100 - $150. 35mm film cameras are versatile and well worth the small investment. Go to Flickr and search for Kodak Portra and Kodak tri-x to see what I am talking about. Film is fantastic at weddings.
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photog4hire said:
Twostone, wow. That is very different and intriguing. Food for thought!
The best way to do it is to have a 35mm film camera for each film type and speed. That way all you need to do is switch cameras and sometimes switch lenses but you will have each film type at the ready. I have 4 7NE's each with a different film or push speed. Also go look at YouTube videos on Pushing Tri-X. You can see the effect there. Portra is a fantastic color film that gives natural skin tones and vibrant color at the same time. It is a wedding film for sure.
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rpt said:
I agree with the folks here. Get a FF. No point getting another crop camera.
Your 70D is a great body. I tend to agree with other posts, go for a FF whether that's a 6D, a 5DII or a 5DIII. Or even a low-milage 1DsIII. Not sure how much these brilliant bodies are going for now but it's worth checking. The only argument for getting another APS-C body would be that you already have a couple of EF-S lenses.

Twostones said:
My advice may differ somewhat from others but get a full frame 35mm film camera. The Canon Elan 7NE, 7N and 7E are all great film cameras that use EF lenses just like those for your 70D. Shoot the wedding using Kodak Portra film and Push Kodak Tri-x two stops to 1600. Your result will be legendary wedding photos not matched by digital. You can buy these cameras in great condition for around $100 - $150. 35mm film cameras are versatile and well worth the small investment. Go to Flickr and search for Kodak Portra and Kodak tri-x to see what I am talking about. Film is fantastic at weddings.
Seriously? The OP wants to WORK with his cameras. He doesn't strike me as sentimental or a Holga artist.

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