Sigma 12-24mm F4.5-5.6 DG HSM II

I sold this lens to fund my 300 f/2.8 IS II, but miss it sometimes. It was the lens that finally convinced me to go full frame and rectilinear at 12mm is pretty unique...

All shots at 12mm on 5DII unless otherwise noted:








14mm (just this one):




Shot on a crop sensor at 12mm:


Canon Rumors Premium
Jan 29, 2011
One of my mentors, an incredible photographer at the very top of his niche in the world who was tragically killed on a shoot, Marc Paris, used the 12-24 almost exclusively. He had the money to buy pretty much any lens and camera made but he swore by that 12-24 on his 5D MkII.

If you look in any high end motor yacht magazine from two to ten years ago, chances are there is a Marc Paris photo shoot in there, often times more than one. Every interior shot was done with that Sigma 12-24. And if you like the lighting on those interior shots know that he did it all with three flashlights (torches) and a mixture of ambient and light painting.

A true master of light and sorely missed.
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RLPhoto said:
Sometimes 14 or 16mm rectilinear just doesn't cut it 8). I'm hoping others will post their work on this thread, certainly I can't be the only CR member who has used this lens.
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JumboShrimp said:
Shot with first version of this lens ... 12mm at f/20.
Flowers look kinda familiar ... ?
Too funny - we both shot a patch of Indian Blanket flowers! I remember being about 1 inch from the front flower when I took the shot, or at least it seemed like I was that close. Nice photo and good to see we have the same idea about 12mm and flowers 8)
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AcutancePhotography said:
I have never shot anything near that wide, but after looking at these pictures, I might consider it.
It's certainly an experience to use these lenses. It's really hard to get a clean composition because the frame is so huge and it's so easy to get your feet, tripod leg(s) or other stuff in the frame.

This thread is making me regret the decision to part with my 12-24. 12mm is such a unique focal length.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Aug 22, 2010
ChristopherMarkPerez said:
I've had a love/hate relationship with my 12-24EX HSM (version 1). It's big and heavy. But... when I want wide, nothing else will do.

Mondiale de l'Automobile ~ Paris ~ 2014 by Christopher Mark Perez, on Flickr

Mondiale de l'Automobile ~ Paris ~ 2014 by Christopher Mark Perez, on Flickr

Mondiale de l'Automobile ~ Paris ~ 2014 by Christopher Mark Perez, on Flickr

Mondiale de l'Automobile ~ Paris ~ 2014 by Christopher Mark Perez, on Flickr

I completely understand what you mean. I had a mk 1 too, for a lens with so many deep flaws, it's redeeming features were amazingly unique and very redeeming. I am highly critical of the lenses which I use, but this one lens I gave a huge concession for because of it's talents. It was very frustrating but ultimately rewarding at the same time. The mkII isn't as corrected and is better all of the weaker areas of the mkI, but unfortunatly, it's not as strong in the areas the older lens excelled at.
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I've had the Sigma 12-24 version 1 and also the EF 14mm II, then I also bought the Sigma 12-24 version II. After tests, when I had all three on hand, I kept the Sigma 12-24 version II and sold the other two. None of them were as good as the old Cosina/Voigtlander 12mm, but that one was easier to design for a camera without a mirror box. Just my 2 cents.
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