Surf Photography





Couple older shots all shot with my 30D, few water shots as well.
Cool shots, I like the 3rd one the best!

What housing and lens were you using?

I hope you're not going to put the 1DX in a housing, I would be too worried that it would leak. :-\
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Richard Lane said:
Cool shots, I like the 3rd one the best!

What housing and lens were you using?

I hope you're not going to put the 1DX in a housing, I would be too worried that it would leak. :-\

That's part of the business side of photography, making sure you have the proper insurance for what you do. That's my philosophy, especially considering the bill I got back for my lens + body from this years Burning Man clean/repair :\ Next year I'll do much better at covering it up, especially the lens.
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It is an SPL housing. I have a fisheye dome port as well as a flat port. I use a Sigma 10mm Fisheye, Canon 50mm 1.8 II, and most usually Canon 24mm 2.8.

I plan on getting the 1Dx in the water as soon as I have the money for a new housing, probably switch over to Essex Housings. Its risky sure, but if you take care of the housing, clean it, keep the gaskets well lubed, and take your time while assembling it, it is very unlikely that you will have any kind of catastrophic leak.

I've had the 30D in the water for nearly 3 years now with no issues. It has traveled up and down the East Coast and been to Puerto Rico and Nicaragua no problem.
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Valvebounce said:
Hi TexPhoto.
Wow missed these the first time I looked, great shots, I wonder if the SeaDoo made it through, that was either fun or a shock!
Great shots by all?

Cheers Graham.

They did make it. Compliments greatly appreciated.

Is it just me or is the sports side pretty dead here. I get 20 updates for Birds in flight for every one sports update... :-[
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