Tamron 70-300mm Di VC USD SP

Re: Tamron 70-300 VC USD

I think that's because it's not an overly popular lens. It's not very high quality anyways but it's rather cheap. I have one myself and i only use it rarely when i go to the zoo..but how often can you visit the same place :)
It works well for the price..don't expect L lens standard. great for people who don't use telephoto lenses very often and don't want to spend too much on an L.
Anyways, speaking of zoo photos, all these photos are taken with this lens.
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Re: Tamron 70-300 VC USD

spinworkxroy said:
I think that's because it's not an overly popular lens. It's not very high quality anyways but it's rather cheap. I have one myself and i only use it rarely when i go to the zoo..but how often can you visit the same place :)
It works well for the price..don't expect L lens standard. great for people who don't use telephoto lenses very often and don't want to spend too much on an L.
Anyways, speaking of zoo photos, all these photos are taken with this lens.

May be true that it is not an overly popular lens. However it is debatable whether it is high quality or not - it all depends on what is "high quality". If only canon L lenses (and I am not even addressing the wide divergence of quality among the L lenses) are considered high quality or even the only acceptable quality then probably 50% of the photographers will have to work with "low quality" or "unacceptable" quality (by that definition).

Moreover who would really expect 70-300 L's quality from a lens that costs around $1000 less then? Is there any sane person who really does that (barring those who are already using the very recent offerings from Sigma)?

Nice zoo shots by the way.
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Re: Tamron 70-300 VC USD

I do think people are expecting this to be as good as the 70-300L. At least when I was researching before buying this I've read some sites that compared the 2.
Anyways for a 500 dollar lens you can go wrong with this. It's plastic and feels really plastic and the af and vc switches ate very loose and I've accidentally switched them so many times that I'm actually using a scotch tape to tape the switches down now.
Baring in mind I've used this lens no more than 5x and I'm already facing these issues so it's not wear and tear.
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Re: Tamron 70-300 VC USD

Very nice flower shots. If i were looking thru a series of images and saw these,(without knowing what camera or lens was used) i would think that these are very nice flower shots, especially the second one. I dont know what the mechanical quality or reliability of the lens is. I just think of the bottom line: I really like these images, and see what is possible with this lens in the right hands. :)
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Re: Tamron 70-300 VC USD

I've heard a lot of good things about this lens from my friends with Nikon mounts. The only negative I have heard was from one friend that went from a D90 to a D600 and indicated the Tamron would no longer auto-focus. I know he contacted Tamron about it but have not heard from him in a while.

Still, it is something I would like to have for a little more reach. I think it still comes with one of the longer warranty periods, right? Five or Six years is what I think I have heard on Tamron.
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Re: Tamron 70-300 VC USD

The flower photos are fantastic. This lens is the sleeper of the Tamron line.

I also own the 24-70VC for my Canon. I have owned many L lenses and most recently sold my 70-200 2.8 IS after seeing the Tamron 70-300 VC at WPPI.

Yes it is plastic and light. Yes it is "consumer grade," but for $300 after the rebates it is a keeper. The only thing I miss is the 2.8 in my 70-200. Otherwise, this lens delivers in a big way. I have most recently gotten into videography after many years of commercial then wedding photography. I love this lens. It is sharp, quiet to focus. The VC works great. Did I mention it is light. I am getting old and do not want to carry tons of heavy glass. This lens along with my 6D and the 24-70VC is all I need to deliver pro grade images. Let's not forget the 6 year warranty from Tamron.

I also have the 90 macro from Tamron... An all Tamron line up! I never thought I would use only Tamron lenses for paid assignments. If only Tamron made a decent wide zoom. Their 10-24 is soft and not suitable for pro work.

Hope I did not bore you with my Tamron stories. BTW, they had vey cool presenters at their booth at WPPI who use Tamron lenses for fantastic results.
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Less bickering, more shooting
Mar 1, 2012
New Hampshire
I own this lens, and am not impressed. the CA is quite strong in almost al instances ( see the 2nd pic in this thread) and there is not enough detail left in any shots to crop. @300mm you have to stop down to f/6.3 or 7.1 to get a decently sharp image. the colors are not all that vibrant either. The USD and VC do work decent. I recently bought a used 70-200 f/4L for $350 that MUCH outperformed the tamron in distant detail, even though it was lacking 100mm. at 200mm f/4 the canon outperformed the tamron hands-down, even at f/6.3. (tripod, iso 100, broad daylight). unfortunately the aperture motor was defective and didn't always close down, and I had to return the L. I now have the 70-200 f/4L IS on the way, and will most definitely be selling the tamron.
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Jun 13, 2012
I'd say that this lens has been pretty good to me so far.


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