Trip to Alicante, Spain


Canon Rumors Premium
Feb 3, 2013
I am about to go to Alicante for a couple of weeks, and wondering if anyone has any tips for me?

My time in Alicante is not all holiday (unfortunately!), and it's not a photography trip, but I should get a bit of time to have a look around. I'm hoping I'll get a chance to do one or two day trips outside Alicante too. If it matters, I an flying to Madrid and getting the train to Alicante. I won't have much time at all in Madrid though, sadly.

Does anyone have any suggestions for places to go and things to see in area? Doesn't have to be for photography - just any places which are worth seeing and things worth doing!

So far as phtoography goes, I'm planning to take my 6DII, 24-70/4 IS and 35/1.4., and probably 135L or 70-200/2.8 IS. Any comments on that?

Thanks for any input!

Del Paso

M3 Singlestroke
Canon Rumors Premium
Aug 9, 2018
And I would definitely keep the 70-200, add an extender and, if available, a TSE 24.
So different are tastes and needs...mine are based on a trip to Verona and Padova.
I took: 28 + 35 + 50 Leica M, EF 14 + 100-400 + 24 TSE + 1,4 ext, 21+ 50 macro Zeiss for Canon.
EOS 5 D IV + Leica M 240
I know, sounds crazy...I guess it is !
No matter what you take along, Spain is beautiful, enjoy your trip!
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Canon Rumors Premium
Feb 3, 2013
I have nothing to offer on your destination, but unless you have a specific photographic goal in mind, I would leave the 70-200 at home. It's not on my list of travel lenses...
Yes, I know what you mean. I have travelled and hiked in the hills with it before, but it’s not ideal for that sort of thing. I guess one of the reasons for my post was to see if anyone told me there were lots of places where a 70-200 would be useful. At this point I think I’ll just take the 135L ... or perhaps not even it, since this is not a photography focussed trip. I think I’d like something longer than 70mm with me though.
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Canon Rumors Premium
Feb 3, 2013
And I would definitely keep the 70-200, add an extender and, if available, a TSE 24.
So different are tastes and needs...mine are based on a trip to Verona and Padova.
I took: 28 + 35 + 50 Leica M, EF 14 + 100-400 + 24 TSE + 1,4 ext, 21+ 50 macro Zeiss for Canon.
EOS 5 D IV + Leica M 240
I know, sounds crazy...I guess it is !
No matter what you take along, Spain is beautiful, enjoy your trip!
That’s a lot of lenses to be carrying! I have to ask, did you use them all?! :) And particularly relevant to me, did you use longer than 70mm very much?

I get the attraction of the TSE lenses for architecture in particular, but I don’t have one. And to be honest, I think most of my photography this trip will be run and gun, rather than well planned and relatively slow and considered, so I doubt I’d really use one even if I had one with me. I’m not even sure if I’m going to bother carrying a tripod! I probably should though even if I don’t end up using it a lot.
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