We, The Photographers......Self Portaits..a Who's Who on CR

Having spent as much time as we have on this forum, it´s kind of nice to attach faces to the various posters. We should keep this thread alive.

I normally do my best to avoid having my picture taken, but I´m not always successful. My wife shot this with her new Sony RX100 III, while I was shooting the sunset at Torghatten this summer.


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"Having spent as much time as we have on this forum, it´s kind of nice to attach faces to the various posters. We should keep this thread alive."

Hey, Eldar, thanks for that. I feel the same about showing my mug but it's for a good cause. ;)

My wife also decided she'd shoot me doing what I love best - hiking with the 300X2.



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Jack Douglas said:
"Having spent as much time as we have on this forum, it´s kind of nice to attach faces to the various posters. We should keep this thread alive."

Hey, Eldar, thanks for that. I feel the same about showing my mug but it's for a good cause. ;)

My wife also decided she'd shoot me doing what I love best - hiking with the 300X2.

Is that a big lens or a you just happy to see me ;)
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tahoetoeknee, you've got me on the "or". Sure, I'm happy to see you, why not!

Rather heavy lens to carry up mountainsides but great satisfaction when the shots are examined. The best $7500 purchase I ever made - coming from someone who really can't afford that sort of expenditure. ;)

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Me shot by somebody I like very much, my model, my best friend and the best cook I know.
O, Kittanmin, min käraste...the love in my eyes is there because of her.


(I think she likes me, too)
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neuroanatomist said:
My self-portrait camera cost the equivalent more than 400 1D X bodies...


DICOM metadata (medical imaging's EXIF): GE Signa HDxt 1.5 Tesla MRI with 8-channel birdcage coil, T1-weighted image, spin echo sequence, TE=10 milliseconds (sort of like 1/100 shutter speed)


I was in the tube myself. It went "bangbangbangbang" for quite a while. Then it stopped. I heard the technicians talk:"Wow, what's that, call the doctor...do you think it is infiltrating the carotid...." And then the machine went "bangbangbangbang" again for quite a while. I was thinking about me and my family and how to best use the months that I might still have left.
They told me to come out and step down and the radiologist would be with me right away.
He told me that I have a sinusite but other than that, nothing out of the normal.
Turned out that the techniciens were discussing the scan of the previous patient.
Like, S___, man...
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Having scrolled up and down all the posts of this thread....now, who would you like to come to your anniversary/wedding/funeral or whatever or to make your portfolio for a modelling job if you only had these portraits and no sample photos to aid you in your decision?

I would choose my son but he is not represented here.
Other than that?
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