Wedding - Kat and James

Oo a wedding forum,

On Saturday I photographed a friend's wedding, I'm not a wedding photographer - but they saw a few photos I took as an 'uncle bob' at another friend's wedding and pressured me into it :)

I have not processed all the images yet, but here's a small sample

Bride and Father by dancook1982, on Flickr

Ceremony - Stratford-upon-avon Town Hall by dancook1982, on Flickr

Newly Wed by dancook1982, on Flickr

Kat and James by dancook1982, on Flickr

Kat and James by dancook1982, on Flickr

Confetti and Cake by dancook1982, on Flickr

First Dance by dancook1982, on Flickr
unfocused said:
Nice pictures, but there is something seriously wrong with that car. The steering wheel looks to be on the wrong side.
There's nothing wrong with the car, but I'd like to suggest an alternative edit(s) in that image... Firstly, is this the framing as you shot it?

If this is the RAW framing, I would blur out the people in the background with a reduced-clarity and reduced-sharpness mask. There is a high contrast with the background being bright and them being dark so it distracts from the true subjects of the image.

If you shot wider, the other option I would go for would be to rotate the image to cut more of the background strollers out of the image but try not to crop awkwardly into the bride's arm.

See what works better for the image. Edits are always down to personal taste so others are more than welcome to disagree with me.
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Thanks guys

James and Kat by dancook1982, on Flickr

gadgeteer said:
Wow, that's brilliant work for your first wedding. I look back at the photos from my first wedding and am quite embarrassed now! ;D

Not quite 'first' wedding - first one I agreed to do, in preparation for this wedding, this year, I second shot for two photographers and shot another friends wedding on my own.

This opportunity has given me the push I needed to get me started :)
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Tabor Warren Photography said:
dancook said:
drjlo said:
dancook said:

You are brave to use a manual focus lens for a wedding!

:) I think I'll consider getting the 24mm 1.4 II lens for the next one.

Though I love my 24L ii, I do. I would recommend the 35L over the 24L any day of the week, (just for future consideration). :)


Why would you recommend the 35?

I've had a 35mm 1.4 Zeiss Distagon and have a RX1R so I'm familiar with the FL.

Is there something about the contrast/sharpness/AF etc?
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Why would you recommend the 35?

I've had a 35mm 1.4 Zeiss Distagon and have a RX1R so I'm familiar with the FL.

Is there something about the contrast/sharpness/AF etc?

Contrast, noticeably yes.
Sharpness, definitely yes.
AF, noticeably yes.

During the busy months (March through October) we have 1-3 weddings every weekend and 1-2 portrait shoots every weekday, the colors and sharpness I get from the 35L surpass those from the 24L 98% of the time. In dim lit environments, the 35L is about 1.25 times faster at focusing than the 24L. The main reason we keep the 24L around is that, several times a year, I will be shooting a wedding where the groom's getting ready room is quite small and there are often several people in there. Sometimes the brides room is tiny, but more often it's on the grooms side. When I'm in this scenario, the 24L works fine for my needs. Overall, I would say that it is about 87% what the 35L is in quality, but it is a handy little fellow when I need it.

I've been following the 35L ii rumors closely, hoping that they start to figure out when this lens may come about. When it does come, I'll be selling my current 24L and picking up the new 35L ii.

(I am also a huge fan of the 24-70 f/2.8 ii and will begin using it, over the 24L, for my wide angle needs, when lighting is sufficient)

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