Weird little quirk I noticed about the zoom lock switch on the RF 24-70 2.8

Kit Lens Jockey

Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 12, 2016
This is completely inconsequential, but discussing pointless things is what forums are for, so here goes.

I finally broke down and bought the RF 24-70 2.8. In playing around with the lens, I noticed that the zoom lock switch doesn't only lock it at the widest angle where the lens barrel is full retracted. There's another spot where the lock switch is able to click into its locked position. In addition to 24mm, it also locks at the 31mm focal length, according to the lens data when you take a photo with it locked at this spot.

This is clearly unintentional, considering that 31mm is just a weird focal length. The switch sounds just a little different when it clicks into place at 31mm compared to 24mm as well. What makes it even more curious is that the manual specifically states "The zoom ring cannot be fixed in place at any position other than the widest position." Except that, you know, it can. :unsure:

So anyway there you know, strange quirk about the RF 24-70. Completely useless to know and to use. I wonder what causes it though.
Very odd. I checked my RF lenses with a lock switch, all of my zooms (28-70/2.8, 70-200/2.8, 100-400) and they only lock at the wide end. Similar for the RF 100/2.8 Macro, the SA control only locks at the zero position.

Interested to hear from others with the RF 24-70/2.8, I wonder if it's a general 'feature' of the lens.
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