Is removing the filter from the 48mm PL-C drop in filter holder ok?

Kit Lens Jockey

Canon Rumors Premium
Nov 12, 2016
I just got a lens that has the 48mm PL-C drop in insert filter in it. I would much prefer just the normal 48mm filter insert. So, I guess this post is to ask two questions, both of which I'm pretty sure I know the answer to, but one of which I don't really want to accept the answer to.

1) I noticed that there is a thin snap ring holding the filter in place. I removed the snap ring, and it's easily possible to remove the polarizing filter from the holder entirely, leaving just an open hole. Since this is the only 48mm filter holder I have, I assume it's fine to just use it without the filter in place for the 95% of the time that I don't want a polarizer?

2) It looks like the standard 48mm filter holder is pretty much unobtainable. Is there any way to get ahold of one of these, or just watch ebay and hope? (I already know the answer is no, and yes, this is just the question that I don't want to accept the answer to.)

I guess ultimately maybe it's better to have the PL-C holder because at least I have the option of using the polarizer? Still kind of a bummer to be without the standard one though.
I just got a lens that has the 48mm PL-C drop in insert filter in it. I would much prefer just the normal 48mm filter insert. So, I guess this post is to ask two questions, both of which I'm pretty sure I know the answer to, but one of which I don't really want to accept the answer to.

1) I noticed that there is a thin snap ring holding the filter in place. I removed the snap ring, and it's easily possible to remove the polarizing filter from the holder entirely, leaving just an open hole. Since this is the only 48mm filter holder I have, I assume it's fine to just use it without the filter in place for the 95% of the time that I don't want a polarizer?
From the instructions:
Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 12.24.53 PM.png

2) It looks like the standard 48mm filter holder is pretty much unobtainable. Is there any way to get ahold of one of these, or just watch ebay and hope? (I already know the answer is no, and yes, this is just the question that I don't want to accept the answer to.)
Have you tried contacting Canon Service to see if they have the 48mm DI gel holder as a replacement part?
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Have you tried contacting Canon Service to see if they have the 48mm DI gel holder as a replacement part?
I have not.

I heard somewhere else that using a clear filter in these cases is always recommended. Looking around a little more, it seems that using no filter at all may inhibit the lens's ability to focus at infinity? I took a photo of the moon the other night with no filter, and I was pretty happy with the result. That's about as infinity as it gets. Aren't lenses generally designed to be able to focus a little past infinity to account for tolerances anyway?

I gotta say, despite Canon's recommendation, if my only reasonable choices are to use a polarizer all the time or no filter at all, I'm going to prefer no filter because I can't really perceive a big problem with the lens function when running no filter.
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I have a few lenses that take the 48 or 52mm drop in filter. They all came with a clear filter in a holder. I have a 52mm drop in CP filter that I purchased from eBay. The two holders are a little different. The clear filter is not in a screw in mount.

I did notice you can find the clear filters and holders on eBay as well though they come up less often than CP filters.

BTW my drop in CP filter seems to do almost nothing but cost me a stop of light.
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