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Axilrod said:
ces416 said:
I think we'll see a price drop in the coming weeks, like we did the c300. And with Modern NLE updates like the new Premiere pro. It does make it easier to edit h.264.

i do agree the commercial niche has been swinging to the DSLR market for smaller budgets.

So in some cases this would be and useful weapon in the arsenal.

Good dialogue, Axilrod. you making it to NAB this year?

Thanks man, you too. And I agree being able to edit H.264 natively is nice, but uncompressed sure would be nice too.
I'm anxious to see what kind of results you can get out of that 500mbit MJPEG mode.
The EOSHD guy had some interesting things to say about it ;)

No I won't be making it to NAB this year, I have a shoot this weekend so it just wouldn't work out, but I really wish I could. Are you?

Yeah, first time. My co-worker and I finally got the company to fork over some cash for us to fly out. I'm hoping to catch the Canon seminar on Sunday evening but we're leaving from Nashville that morning. So it will probably be cutting it close. Crossing my fingers.
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dilbert said:
If you received a 20% pay raise tomorrow, would you still feel aggrieved about the prices?

A lot of people are engrained with a way to judge prices based on their upbringing and life experiences. My parents wouldn't spend more than a dime on a candy bar, but they should be 50 cents to me. I won't pay $1 for a candy bar unless I'm desperate for food and a convince store is the only place around.

It's the same thing with houses. I can't see how anyone would spend $200,000 for a house unless they are a doctor or businessman... Houses cost $150k to me. Anything more is expensive, anything less is cheap.

Strange financial psychology, but it has an impact on the economy.
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Caps18 said:
It's the same thing with houses. I can't see how anyone would spend $200,000 for a house unless they are a doctor or businessman... Houses cost $150k to me. Anything more is expensive, anything less is cheap.

I'd love to be able to get a $150K house around here. In this area, sometimes parking spaces sell for over $100K.
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I find it strange that so many are defending Canon on their outrageous video pricing.

If you look at the upcoming Sony FS-700 being offered at $10K with all the video bells and whistles, future proof 4K resolution and shoots up to 960 fps. Now that's INNOVATION. And the results? Video people are singing Sony's praises for offering such cutting edge tech at a good price. Sony is going to sell a LOT of cameras.

Now Canon on the other hand, very over-priced, underspec'd video offerings and the results? Luke warm to very negative reactions across with board with very, very few people singing their praises.

Moral of the story, consumers, no matter if they are amateurs or professionals all want the same thing. Value for their money. Canon is not doing it, at least with video. Sony is, and the video sales will be reflected accordingly.

The strangest thing is the the C-500 has extremely amazing Specs. and is cheap at $35K. That's a camera that is about half of what the camera's is competing against RED and Alexa around $60K to $70K.

It's like Canon video has decided that they want to undercut the high end, but way over-charge on the low to mid end where their core customers are. Strange strategy since High end products make little money and it's the low to mid end is where all the profit is. They have really lost their direction.

But it's a tough decision to jump ship because I have all L lenses so Canon basically owns me and my future children and grand children.
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dilbert said:
If you received a 20% pay raise tomorrow, would you still feel aggrieved about the prices?

I know this wasn't directed at me, but the amount of money I have wouldn't change anything, as of now I still feel like it's overpriced. But I'd like to see the image quality before I make a final judgement. Considering the alternatives out there, it just seems like it's not worth $15k for what you're getting, but we'll see.
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ces416 said:
Yeah, first time. My co-worker and I finally got the company to fork over some cash for us to fly out. I'm hoping to catch the Canon seminar on Sunday evening but we're leaving from Nashville that morning. So it will probably be cutting it close. Crossing my fingers.

That's awesome man! I hope you guys have a good time, and let us know if you see anything really cool (I'm sure you'll see tons of it). Haha I'll be headed to Knoxville while you're leaving Nashville, doing some sessions with the bands playing at the Rhythm & Blooms festival next weekend.
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gene_can_sing said:
I find it strange that so many are defending Canon on their outrageous video pricing.

If you look at the upcoming Sony FS-700 being offered at $10K with all the video bells and whistles, future proof 4K resolution and shoots up to 960 fps. Now that's INNOVATION. And the results? Video people are singing Sony's praises for offering such cutting edge tech at a good price. Sony is going to sell a LOT of cameras.

Now Canon on the other hand, very over-priced, underspec'd video offerings and the results? Luke warm to very negative reactions across with board with very, very few people singing their praises.

Moral of the story, consumers, no matter if they are amateurs or professionals all want the same thing. Value for their money. Canon is not doing it, at least with video. Sony is, and the video sales will be reflected accordingly.

The strangest thing is the the C-500 has extremely amazing Specs. and is cheap at $35K. That's a camera that is about half of what the camera's is competing against RED and Alexa around $60K to $70K.

It's like Canon video has decided that they want to undercut the high end, but way over-charge on the low to mid end where their core customers are. Strange strategy since High end products make little money and it's the low to mid end is where all the profit is. They have really lost their direction.

But it's a tough decision to jump ship because I have all L lenses so Canon basically owns me and my future children and grand children.

But what if the image quality from this thing is crushing the Scarlett and FS700, wouldn't that make a difference? I would think it would have to produce some pretty amazing results for anyone to opt for it over the C300. And being to shoot 4K out of the box onto CF cards is nice, who knows how much the final cost will be on the FS700 with the external recorder and whatever else they need to get 4k out of it. I was talking with my Canon dealer this morning and he said he thinks the actual price will be a couple grand less when it's released, so it could end up being less. Either way, I think lots of people (myself included) were hoping that this would be the video solution for them, but it's not. And as much as that sucks, we just have to wait it out and hope that Canon releases something awesome in the $5k-$8k range.
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gene_can_sing said:
I find it strange that so many are defending Canon on their ... video pricing.

Explaining, not defending. They don't need defending, they will charge what they choose, and frankly, they don't care what you, me, or any individual consumers think about their pricing for the Cinema line.

Remember, Canon places the Cinema EOS system entirely within the B2B market segment - they are marketing to studios, not individuals. That's a key difference. Yes, corporations are made up of individuals, and ultimately it's individuals employed by those studios who will make the buying decisions. But when I buy something as a consumer, I look at the price and compare it to my budget - I'm spending my own money. When I buy something as an employee of a company, I'm spending someone else's money...which makes the buying decision a lot easier, and cost less relevant to the purchase decision.
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I'm a filmmaker and producer/director, so a low price would really benefit me. But Canon is generally a conservative company. They release things at prices at which they can make a profit. And judging by Sony's books lately, Canon may be preserving their financial position by playing it safe with pricing.

In my mind, they should release something in the $7-8k range in addition to the 1D C- for instance, how about a 5D C that does full (resolved) HD w/4k? My hunch is that they will probably consider something like this in the future but not until after they've milked the pro cinema market for the $12-15k 1D C. Because they know if they released a similar model in the $7-8k range the pro cinema people would just buy that.

They want to make money and are following the rule that if everyone agrees to the pricing right away, you are pricing too low. All that being said, I really would like the 1D C at $10k :)
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Caps18 said:
dilbert said:
If you received a 20% pay raise tomorrow, would you still feel aggrieved about the prices?

A lot of people are engrained with a way to judge prices based on their upbringing and life experiences. My parents wouldn't spend more than a dime on a candy bar, but they should be 50 cents to me. I won't pay $1 for a candy bar unless I'm desperate for food and a convince store is the only place around.

It's the same thing with houses. I can't see how anyone would spend $200,000 for a house unless they are a doctor or businessman... Houses cost $150k to me. Anything more is expensive, anything less is cheap.

Strange financial psychology, but it has an impact on the economy.

You must live in the South or parts of the Midwest!

A modest, regular little old house is like 280k+ in many parts of the country these days. :eek:

I noticed that the same company built my old apartment in both Los Angeles and in the South and it was $800 a month in one place and $2600 a month in the other!
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LetTheRightLensIn said:
Caps18 said:
dilbert said:
If you received a 20% pay raise tomorrow, would you still feel aggrieved about the prices?

A lot of people are engrained with a way to judge prices based on their upbringing and life experiences. My parents wouldn't spend more than a dime on a candy bar, but they should be 50 cents to me. I won't pay $1 for a candy bar unless I'm desperate for food and a convince store is the only place around.

It's the same thing with houses. I can't see how anyone would spend $200,000 for a house unless they are a doctor or businessman... Houses cost $150k to me. Anything more is expensive, anything less is cheap.

Strange financial psychology, but it has an impact on the economy.

You must live in the South or parts of the Midwest!

A modest, regular little old house is like 280k+ in many parts of the country these days. :eek:

I noticed that the same company built my old apartment in both Los Angeles and in the South and it was $800 a month in one place and $2600 a month in the other!

Off topic but my $1500 a month appart in montreal cost me over $2500 a month in LA and the built quality was worst! I wish i could find a $150k hiuse near where i live....Tis way i could buy more lenses. ::)
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transpo1 said:
In my mind, they should release something in the $7-8k range in addition to the 1D C- for instance, how about a 5D C that does full (resolved) HD w/4k? My hunch is that they will probably consider something like this in the future but not until after they've milked the pro cinema market for the $12-15k 1D C. Because they know if they released a similar model in the $7-8k range the pro cinema people would just buy that.

But there are $8K models out there, just not by Canon, so why won't people by those instead?
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dilbert said:
I still think that if it had of been announced at $8k, people would have been saying "Why isn't it $4k?".

If you're a professional and this is what you need then you work on your budget and find a way to make it fit and bring it into your tool set, not complain that it is a few $ more than you've saved.
epiem said:
It's not about how much money you have saved, it's about which other companies offer a better product for less.

Who has a better product for less? I haven't seen any referenced in any of the posts complaining about the price. The Sony, for instance, is incapable of 4K video at this time. And it will likely be more expensive once you put together all of the pieces necessary to make it work, not to mention being a larger form factor.
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dilbert said:
epiem said:
dilbert said:
I still think that if it had of been announced at $8k, people would have been saying "Why isn't it $4k?".

If you're a professional and this is what you need then you work on your budget and find a way to make it fit and bring it into your tool set, not complain that it is a few $ more than you've saved.

It's not about how much money you have saved, it's about which other companies offer a better product for less.

I have an affair with Canon, but their pricing on some of their newer items are just too high.
When others are doing it equally as good, if not better, FOR LESS, then why do I want to stick around.

Obviously, there are TONS of people out there who feel the same way.

If you received a 20% pay raise tomorrow, would you still feel aggrieved about the prices?

Considering my business *IS* video and Photography, I would purchase the best TOOL for the job.

The price -for what it's worth- is not that great.

There are Sony Cameras out there that boast similar or better specs for less.
Plus this is supposed to be a DSLR...Why on earth would I spend that amount of money for a "still" camera that *happens* to have video.

If it was a full blown video camera, like the c300, there 'might' be consideration.
But still, there are better items on the market for less.

Looking at the cost of one of those, I rather break the bank and just invest in a R.E.D.

I was really hoping Canon would surprise us with goodness, but it's looking like it gunna be overly expensive "crap"
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the RED Scarlet is cheaper, i actually think the new canon will be a great camera, but people like to go with what works outs cheaper. you can get the scarlet pkg that included a monitor, batteries, drives, for about the same price.
they have to make the new canon cinema body cheaper then the scarlet body, then i would buy one in a second.
for this type of market its all about making your money back as fast as you can.
one more shoot on my 5DMKIII and ill make my body price back!
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