I bought myself an M5 about a month ago, and I really like it, although I find the EVF to be too bright, too saturated and has too much contrast.
It's still very useable though.

Over the weekend I bought a G5X for my father to use in the retirement home where he lives now.
He's 93 years old and is a fellow of the Australian Photographic Society (FAPS) as well as an FIAPS (Euopean equivalent) so he appreciates a nice camera.
Naturally I set it up for him and played around with it, and I was surprised at how nice it is to use, and how much BETTER the evf is on this compared to my M5.
I hope the evf in the M5 can be improved by firmware as I find it hard to believe that the cheaper and smaller camera has a far better evf.

Does anyone else have an opinion on this?
I have yet to find a EVF that I liked, but who knows, a miracle may happen. I don't go around looking at them, if a camera I think is interesting is on display at our local camera shop, then I give it a try.

I do like touch screens, at least, the Canon ones.
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Mt Spokane Photography said:
I have yet to find a EVF that I liked, but who knows, a miracle may happen. I don't go around looking at them, if a camera I think is interesting is on display at our local camera shop, then I give it a try.

I do like touch screens, at least, the Canon ones.

Somewhat similar here. I have no real issue with an EVF as long as I use it for the same purposes of an OVF, the composition of the shot. The whole, WYSIWYG aspect has never materialized in any EVF I've used. Color, brightness, tone, tint, dynamic range etc. have never been close to being accurate in my experiences. Heck, often enough the EVF and back LCD display are not even on the same level of showing a similar image.

One I think we're a little while off from EVFs having the capability to show that accurate of an image. And two, even once they reach that level, surely they'd require some sort of calibration/correction as do our monitors require for accurate post processing.
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My only issue thus far with every EVF I've used is that if I pan the camera around *at all* , I get nauseous. I am very prone to motion sickness though, so it's not a huge surprise. (trying out the VR headsets for the new phones was.. an experience.)

99% of what I photograph is my kids, so suffice to say there is quite a bit of re-framing involved in my camera use.
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Agree with the OP - The M5's EVF is very saturated color-wise, but still quite usable. I find it a bit better than the Sony A7 and A7 II's EVF, which I found to be darker than the real outdoor scene - even at the brightest settings. (I kept trying to take of my sunglasses when I was out taking pics - only I wasn't wearing any...).

I haven't looked through any Panasonics, but - by far - the best EVF that I have used is on the Olympus E-M1. I believe the EVFs on the E-M5 and E-M10 are just as good. Outdoors, it has the same color and brightness as the real scene. Since one of the advantages of the EVF is seeing the actual exposure, this is important. I sometimes forget I am looking through an EVF, something that never happens with the M5 and the Sony's.
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I used the EVF in the Sony A7R II for a while and found a wanted to go back to OVF or perhaps a hybrid system (OVF with histogram superimposed upon it).
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Mt Spokane Photography said:
I do like touch screens, at least, the Canon ones.

I'm actually amazed at how much better Canon's touch screen interface is compared with the Sony/Nikon, seeing as this is not exactly rocket science.

RGF said:
I used the EVF in the Sony A7R II for a while and found a wanted to go back to OVF or perhaps a hybrid system (OVF with histogram superimposed upon it).

I used A7RII for a couple of days and absolutely hated it. The A7RIII's EVF seems a whole lot better, though it is still not nearly as enjoyable to use as OVF, at least, to me.
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Talys said:
I'm actually amazed at how much better Canon's touch screen interface is compared with the Sony/Nikon, seeing as this is not exactly rocket science.

To me, this is classic Canon..... late to the party, but when they show up, it is worth waiting for..... Canon user interface and ergonomics has consistently been well ahead of the competition.... I am very curious to see what the EVF on the M50 is like....
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I'm not too concerned with the saturation or colors of the EVF on the M5. The resolution is not high enough to make a good picture anyways, its function is not to show the picture. Its job is for framing the scene to shoot the photo.
Which I'm very pleased with the EVF on the M5. On a bright day, the best rear view screen is useless, whether the colors or saturation is perfect. The sunlight washes everything on that screen.
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